What I want to encourage here.. please read



  • baileybri09
    baileybri09 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all for your honest responses. I feel exactly the same way... that in life crap happens and the food we eat because of it is a vicious cycle. I have for the past few weeks begun using MFP again and I have been soo much more honest with myself and making sure that I am adding everything that I eat everyday... not just the healthy things. We all have bad days... weeks... or whatever. But the thing that stands out is that we are able to get back on that bandwagon and start again.

    Thank you to all of you that post on here. I am unable to post often but I do when I can. I am so thankful to all of you for the encouragement and helping me to understand that I am not the only one going down this road of losing weight...a large amount of weight.

    I havent weighed myself since I have been to the doctor 3 weeks ago but I am feeling better and better every day. When I review what I eat everyday on here... I honestly critique myself and say should I really have eaten that or what can I replace this with that is even just a little bit healthier? I do not shame myself anymore because I know that one day... ONE DAY... I WILL BE THAT FIT PERSON ON THE STREET.. that everyone is looking at. I dream of the day that this happens. I know that I have the mindset to do this!

    We all can do this!!!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I appreciate this honesty and support so much. I have been so very lucky in finding some tough lovin', kick-my-butt when I need it, throw my own words back at me kind of friends on here! I have tried to do so with myself, and this morning, I'm really struggling. My biggest problem is weekend weight. Mostly retained water because I struggle so much more with my water on weekends, but since 2/19, I have always managed to shake it all by Friday's weigh in (on a challenge at work), but this week I had an added challenge and didn't even come near my 8 water bottle goal on any day, as far as I know.... It is so stupid, I'm kicking myself for the small gain I have had this week 1.4 pounds, when I'm down 15 (well, now 13.6) since we started the challenge, and around 80 overall, but I find it hard to feel good about the latter (long story). We all have triggers and issues, but the one thing I'm truly focused on is kicking guilt to the curb (trying to consciously own every decision, for better or worse). That, and my focus is health, not weight....trouble is I've been losing steadily since we started in February, and I'm just genuinely disappointed. SIGH. Oh well, I will be good to myself the rest of today, I will work to get in my 10,000 steps, and I will drink all the water I can stand, plus one more cup.... That is my goal. (hugs)
  • Kourui
    Kourui Posts: 32 Member
    Just watched this video, and it really speaks out to me. Before the playgrounds and streets would be filled with kids, running around and biking. Now they're all empty and the streets are quiet. Holidays like Halloween people say they see fewer kids as malls have stolen them away. Come trick or treat at the mall, it's warmer and "safer".

    If you take a walk around your neighbourhood, how many are out and about? How many more are in their cars driving around? In some of our newer developments, they don't even build sidewalks anymore. They are already forcing us to stay indoors.

  • beststarmom
    beststarmom Posts: 3 Member
    I am glad to be here, I too was on sparkpeople and would do great logging all my food other than they have a hard time with canadian products. I degress though I would slowly not log everything then I would have some health problem come up and wouldn't be able to exercise. I don't know how many posts I started with back again. I like the idea of being able to say I goofed and ate a pan of brownies or whatever, being a diabetic I can't cheat that much but I do cheat.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    Yes me too, joined lots of groups and clubs etc in past, do great then have a slip, then have a landslide and quietly disapear in to shadows never to be seen again.
    I have bipolar disorder and my eating is also bipolar. No matter how hard i try for moderation it always ends up being super healthy or the worst kind of binge
    A bad binge day for me looks like 20'000 plus calories and usually ends up being a bad binge week or several weeks at that level so I gain 20lb in 2 weeks and then hate myself and want to be dead. To be honest i dont know how i only reached 322lb. I should be loads more than that. I am not someone who is confused about how i got morbidly obese. I know exactly how I got here.
    I got here because an example of a single bad binge day for me looks like the list below ( dont read if you are hungry)

    3 x whole pizza
    chips (fries) for 2 with cheese
    whole cake
    box of 6 donuts
    2x slice of cheese cake
    6 x packs of crisps (potato chips)
    large bar of chocolate
    whole tub of icecream

    I feel so so ill when i eat like that but does it stop me repeating the next day. No. I go onlike that until I begin seriously contemplating suicide. Then I begin another miracle plan to become slim happy and gorgeouse.
    Food addiction sucks

    I still have hope though and i refuse to give up my quest for wellness.

    nearly 3 weeks in to my latest Healthy eating routine and going very well so far which is an excelleny sign as two weeks is my usual slip up point where it all goes wrong. Not weakening yet so fingers crossed :)
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Welcome Persis! It is nice to see your honesty about what you eat and how you got here. Are you getting counseling or a Dr.'s help as well? I applaud you for starting again and doing well, I just hope you have the support you need so you don't cycle out of control and feel despair. It is definitely not a lack of willpower or control.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    Yes i have had lots of counselling and therapy and been on and off meds. I have made a lot of progress with mental health issues and unresolved junk from past. I am now off all meds and have been for a year with doctors consent. I attend a support group for people with emotional issues. it is just a question of getting on with life, moving on from past and choosing to fight for a better future. I won't give up . I am doing well so far this time round so fingers crossed it continues. I feel positive I can maintain the plan i am on. It does not feel like the usual battle of will to cling on. I can see myself living with this plan long term. Thank you for your support :smile:
  • hasjejc
    hasjejc Posts: 19 Member
    is this group still active? i sure hope so, because i could do with some support on this long journey
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Hi hasjejc,

    We are still here, it's been a slow week and some of the member are off doing a 50 day challenge but their are plenty of people still here. Welcome, and we are happy to have someone else joining us on this long haul.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Hi! We are active every day.. some days more than others.. please feel free to post any subject you want or plunge in to the daily thread.
  • leatrisgwi
    Having just started this last week, food is a nightmare. I try not to think about it but I do anyway. I gave all the bread - gluten products to the chickens to eat because I know that the toaster would be calling my name at all hours of the day and night wanting to warm up some bread.

    This is a long hard journey and I agree with many that have posted that if sweets or bad for me food was in front of me I would still eat it. Not going to the store but for stuff that is on my notepad has helped - I am not wandering looking at all the yummy stuff I cannot have but want - rather in and out has actually taken will-power.

    So glad to have found some people that have built a life around food and now are trying to make a break from the eating habits that are so comforting...
  • MsDellyssa
    MsDellyssa Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 47 and hypothyroid. I'm also not hungry. I've been working on eating. Some days are better than others, some not so much. As I write this I've had 928 calories all day (since midnight last night when I find myself able to get more into me). I know I need to eat more and spread the food out more throughout the day. Sadly, as often as I try, I don't do it.

    I've been reading the message boards about those who binge eat and have a deep down core reason why they do this. I'm thinking I too have a deep down core reason why I'm not hungry and I don't think it's all about hypothyroid. I know lots of people in my family who are hypothyroid and they eat. One cousin said she loves food too much and that's why she's fat.

    I am fat too. partially because I'm lazy. I'll admit that right from the start. I also have knee issues. I tore the meniscus last year and had surgery on it 6 months later. I'm working on getting that stronger. As of late walking is very difficult, but I do as much as I can knowing every step gets my knee stronger and me stronger. That is what I want for myself. I have a workout video I use on youtube (see link here: ) geared towards getting me more mobile. I do 30 to 45 minutes a day sometimes an hour if I can get myself talked into it.

    For me, the stronger I get, the better I'm able to drop the weight.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    Hello, nice to see more new people joining us. The group founder starts a new daily thread with topic most days but anyone can start daily threads or other topics too. It is extra hard work for those of us with a lot to lose but we will get there if stick at it and support each other. I think that doing practical things like giving the bread to chickens is a great tactic, remove as much unwanted temptation as possible. I also agree working through roots of the emotional side can be very useful.:flowerforyou: