How do you log your hoop workouts?

Hello all! I am fairly new to using MFP, but have been hooping for a number of years. GREAT to see a hoop group on here :)

Just wondering, how do you log your hoop workouts? I can only see the option for Wii hooping, which as far as I can tell doesn't really compare to seriously working up a sweat doing a big session of knee, chest, shoulder, etc etc hooping. Does anyone have any advice?

Thanks a million!


  • tingle2
    tingle2 Posts: 28 Member
    You can go by the Anerican Council on Exercise, they say you burn 200 calories for ever half hour you are hooping.
    The best way is to use a heart rate monitor and log it that way. I am a larger lady ;) and I burn more than the 200 per half hour if I am really working it!! Do a couple different workouts hooping while using a heart rate monitor and get a base line for easy, moderate and hooping your *kitten* off and then you can log it easy each time!
    Hope this helps
  • dlbaron
    dlbaron Posts: 79 Member
    When I had a fitbit (I lost it =[ ) I would check the calories burned during the period of time that I was hooping, and just use that or round it up a bit to account for the extra body movement. The heart rate monitor is the best way to go, but I just wanted to chime in about that- I have tried to track hooping with an HRM, and even when I was moving around a ton, dripping in sweat, my heart rate only got up to an average of ~110, which was too low to plug into the online burn calculator. I think your heart rate has to be over 120 or something for the formula to work and give you the number of calories burned. However, when I tested it I was hooping with polypro hoops. I suspect if you use a heavier hoop your heart rate would get up more. If you have an HRM, give it a try! If not, base your guesstimate off dancing or wii hooping and then add it as your own activity.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    I created my own custom workout entry for "hoop flow." Since I don't have a HRM, I estimated my burn by taking my pulse every 10 minutes during a flow session, averaging them out, and then I used an online calculator to get the calorie burn.

    I'm quite small (under 105 lbs), so my calorie burn for hooping worked out to a little less than 300 calories per hour.