August Challenge Sat Aug 23rd to Fri Aug 29th



  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Wow only 7 days left to August! Time sure does fly. Assuming Stacy checks in today we still have 8 people that have done every day. Good job folks. I hope you will stick with it after the challenge. I like hearing from you all.

    Mark it just makes me sad to think of 50 degrees and a chance of snow. LOL I'm sitting on my patio with a cold beer and 82 degrees. I do not want to see winter come back this year. lol
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Oh and I slept through the earthquake. It was a 6.1 in Napa Valley which is about 70m north of where I live but people close to where I lived said they felt the tremors.
    I'm glad there were no casualties but 20k people are without power and water and there was structural and infrastructure damage.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Glad you're Ok lass.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Monday Folks, Challenging night last night, with muscle cramps. But I can report that something I heard on Ben Greenfield podcast is effective. If you're cramping eat something salty. I used 6 saltine crackers and a glass of water. cramps dissipated within 2=3 mins.. Hope all of you have a great day and an excellent week.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Monday. Yawny Monday.

    Good day yesterday. Hubby and I got in a longish walk (4.5miles) in the hilly part of the neighborhood. I did short sprints on the climbs then paced in circles catching my breath as he caught up. After no. Was a family picnic at a cousins house. Lots of folks I hadn't seen for ages which is always great (but sad given 90% of us all live in the 100 mile radius that is the Milwaukee to Chicago metropolitan).

    Back at home got in some strength training. Super sets of Kettlebell swings and cleans and then some Deadlift sets. Nothing fancy. Obviously dropped off the 30 day challenge in record time. Sorry Angela. But thanks again for nudging me back to my iron. Needed the push.

    Ended day with another couple slow miles walking the dog. Good day.

    But these yawns this morning make me thing a tad too little sleep.

    Heron. Glad you're okay - hope those around you are too and things get more or less back to normal soon.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Just another manic Monday I wish it was Sunday. Now you guys will have that song running through your head all day, assuming you know the song. lol Weekend went pretty good. I am up 3 lbs which is normal after treat night on Friday. So we will see where I end up to end this month long challenge. I wanted to be under 290 but it's not looking like that is likely unless I have one of those weeks where 5 or 6 lbs just drop for no apparent reason.

    Looks like we are down to 7, we lost Stacy yesterday, I hope all is well since I know she posted saying she was traveling Saturday.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Ugh! Missed a day... and even worse, I was home all day! LOL Oh well, hopefully one day misses still leaves me in the running. :tongue:

    Weekend was good. Did well with eating on Saturday but not so good on Sunday. I did face the scale at Weight Watchers on Saturday and it was not pretty. You would think that would have been the kick the butt I needed to get back on track, but still struggling. :ohwell:

    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Ugh! Missed a day... and even worse, I was home all day! LOL Oh well, hopefully one day misses still leaves me in the running. :tongue:

    I think I have only missed once as well, but with several who have not missed, I think we are out. Lol

    Good tip on the salt Hammer, gonna be hot here, 100 or so... happy Monday
  • angelaneale
    angelaneale Posts: 102 Member
    Happy Monday All! Getting back to it after going to a local winery (blueberry and fruit juice wines) and brewery this weekend. Oh, they also sold homemade cupcakes...yes, I imbibed (chocolate peanut butter).

    No worries about the 30 Glute Challenge. You made it a week! I'm usually only good for a few weeks too. So far, I'm still in it! Did the 100 squats and 100 hip thrusts on Saturday then yesterday was a rest day, which was perfect timing.

    Also, I have done an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge video. It was about two weeks ago. Not sure if that counts or not. I donated as well.

    Hope you all have a wonderful week!
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Monday morning to the crew. No walking this morning, although the rain has stopped. The roads and trails are a muddy mess right now after 3 days/nights of constant rain. Never did see any snow here; my parents down by Bozeman can see some down low on the mountains there. Sun is coming out, so maybe I can get some walking in before the day is out.
  • MarkMcElvy
    MarkMcElvy Posts: 68 Member
    Morning all. back to work. I sit behind a computer most of the day. Have to make a point of getting up and walking throughout the day...
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    Morning all. back to work. I sit behind a computer most of the day. Have to make a point of getting up and walking throughout the day...

    Reminds me...

    Try to remember this when you sit for long periods of time.

    Checking in.......Recalculating my macros. Found an IF calculator at

    It has my calories much lower than I'm used to so we will see what happens.

    Here's a link to the spreadsheet I made from the results if anyone is interested:

    I'm going to try the KISS method when choosing food. Chicken, steak, fish, whey for protein. Eggs for fats. Veggies, sweet potatoes, berries for carbs. I'm less concerned with the weight loss and really interested in the body recomposition. If my experiment is successful (this is science, folks) my BF% will be the lowest it's ever been. Let's see if I can last more than 3 days...haha.

    Also, I might be doing the Dallas Mud Run. Waiting to hear back from a buddy that lives there to see if he got approved for the time off.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Ugh! Missed a day... and even worse, I was home all day! LOL Oh well, hopefully one day misses still leaves me in the running. :tongue:

    I think I have only missed once as well, but with several who have not missed, I think we are out. Lol

    Good tip on the salt Hammer, gonna be hot here, 100 or so... happy Monday

    I almost did that myself last Friday Stacy, I had to jump on and do a quick post but almost forgot all together. Kevin you have missed two days as you jumped in a day late from the start. The important thing is that we are all thinking about what we are doing with our bodies. So weather you are still in the challenge or not really does not matter. :-)
  • GoodDaytoYou
    GoodDaytoYou Posts: 53 Member
    I went way off the deep end this weekend. UGH! Time to reign it in. Going to load up the new podcast and get myself in gear.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Thanks John and Kim. I am glad that the earthquake happened at night and no life was lost.

    Chris, I would be interested to see your progress. Keep checking back.

    Mark, I bet after 3 days your dogs must be stir crazy!

    No loss for me and I'm fine with that for now since I'm still figuring things out. Even though I haven't lost a lot during my weight loss journey, my body has changed a lot for only 20+ lb so I am super happy about that. Its just that whenever i hit 168-170. My body wants to stay at that weight, I guess I just want to break through that range.

    I wish everybody a successful week!! Make good choices and move!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    John is right! If you miss a day, you're out of the running but for sure not out of this group. Life is crazy busy for everyone but I find myself coming back because I know you guys are checking in and I'll get a lot out of just catching up with everyone. Thank you all for the awesomeness!!

    And hey, thanks for the extra donation on my challenge John. I love the idea! And that water my kids dumped on me was WAY colder than Arctic Enema in Tough Mudder. Or so it felt.

    Kevin: Jealous about your catfish that you cooked up right there at the water's edge. Sounds fabulous!

    Rae: that is exactly what I do when I need to get back on track. A podcast seems to be more of a motivator than almost anything for me. Even if I don't agree with the person. It gets my head in the game again.

    Speaking of head in the game (and how tired everyone started the week) I am taking another "off week." This per Jef Fry's recommendation. I am really run down and he is trying to get it through my head that I am not eating enough calories especially with the new weight training that I'm doing now. In my tiny brain I am going "Hey, I am only doing two workouts a week. And not enough calories?? It's more than I used to eat and, excuse me.. have you seen my behind?!?!"
    But I should realize that my overwhelming tired/sleepy head funk started about a week after I started strength training again. And no, I didn't do the mid-week carb feed Jef suggested. Forgot. I'm like the WORST client ever. Poor Jef.
    Off to bed. Sleep is not where that needs to be either.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Ugh! Missed a day... and even worse, I was home all day! LOL Oh well, hopefully one day misses still leaves me in the running. :tongue:

    I think I have only missed once as well, but with several who have not missed, I think we are out. Lol

    Good tip on the salt Hammer, gonna be hot here, 100 or so... happy Monday

    I almost did that myself last Friday Stacy, I had to jump on and do a quick post but almost forgot all together. Kevin you have missed two days as you jumped in a day late from the start. The important thing is that we are all thinking about what we are doing with our bodies. So weather you are still in the challenge or not really does not matter. :-)

    I know it doesn't matter, but I don't see that I jumped in a day late if it started on August 1st, since I have a post on August 1st lol. It's been fun regardless. Early Tuesday check in!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Tuesday Folks. Running a bit late toay so I'll keep it short.

    Great Podcast Carol. I appreciate you shining a light on the Ketogenic diet and how its going. I've tried a couple times in the past and with 2 hrs of interstate drive twice a day to work, I can't deal with the brain fog I get early on. I'm looking in to Keto salts / sup to see if I can sort of power through it. But still not committed to a process I may not be able to sustain with my lifestyle.

    Bummer on the folks that missed. Been nip and tuck a couple times for me but managed to remember in the nick of time. Don't let the time of day fool ya if I don't get it in the morning I'm likely to miss it at night with my schedule. Dittos on what Howie said, keep focused on what's important and keep in touch with us.

    Got to push a bit of iron before I head out. So Keep on Jammin'! See ya on the flip side.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Tuesday. Dexa scan day. Kinda excited. But nervous. Just not sure I want to know. At same time wish I'd done this at the very beginning of this journey. Not so much when I starved myself to begin losing weight, but back in Nov when I started repairing myself. Plan is to keep things as true to my tenets (walk, sleep, stress, food, sprints, weights) as possible for 90 days, rescanning the Tuesday b4 Thanksgiving. Curious if I truly can affect body composition.

    Plus having spent the bucks for the scans it should both keep me motivated and accountable. I can be a bit competitive with myself.
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Tuesday morning!! My wife's birthday is today, and it is 38 degrees outside.. so the dogs get to walk later today as I just don't feel up to it this morning. Winter is coming.. :D