personal challenges

My first week personal challenge is getting out every day for a run - whether it's a one mile run or 5 mile run - I know what it does for my physically, but just as importantly, spiritually and emotionally and it's something I need to make a habit of doing daily!


  • derrickad
    derrickad Posts: 1 Member
    You can do it Jess! I'll do it with you. I have a two mile loop here so it shouldn't be too bad to at least get one of those in everyday.
  • I have a few challenges these 10 weeks. I just started my second round of T25 which is great because its 10 weeks. Also, I will be training for a 5 mile run on November 1st. Its the long I'm doing since having my kids so I'm excited about that. It all kicks off this week!
  • jessicapavelko
    jessicapavelko Posts: 3 Member
    seriously hold me accountable because it does do a lot for me emotionally but I also have a half scheduled for November 8th! So, I have to start somewhere. If you're ever up for tackling a run together, I would be up for that. Just know I'm a slow runner.
  • I'm trying to focus on making small changes weekly that I can sustain so I don't feel like I am overwhelming myself (which usually leads to me quitting). So, for the whole challenge, I will be focusing on logging my food and staying within my calorie allotment for 6 out of 7 days.
    This week's small challenge for myself is to drink the amount of water I should be having daily.