Due April 2015 - Looking for mommy's due around same time



  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi Chamberlain3! Congrats and welcome! I know a couple of us have little ones around. My son is 15 months.
    My due date is very close to yours!

    Re: first tri bleeding. I had some very light bleeding with my son and I was a nervous wreck about it. It was a little air pocket between the placenta and the uterine wall. Some of these can get quite large, and can cause the placenta to detach. But the vast majority of them are small and don't cause any harm. Thankfully mine was small; I had a "normal" (read: most miserable 9 months of my life) pregnancy, a 3 hour 100% natural delivery, and a very cute and smart son --the only effect that bleeding had was my own (significant) psychological distress.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    I just found out on the 9th, they did a blood test to confirm and date pregnancy. They said 6-8 weeks and my ultrasounds the 27th. Ill know for sure then. From my 6-8 week dates they gave me would be some time in april. I also have a 2yr old who's birthdays in May.

    I been losing weight since febuary. And not sure what to do now. Hoping my dr can clear it all up the 27th when I finally see him.

    Congrats on your little one!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    I've been having a great past two months in terms of getting workouts in and eating right. Today the scale was down 3 lbs to put me at my lowest weight since my pregnancy in 2012-13 (which is still, alas, 11-12 lbs away from my pre-preggo weight -but I am still nursing, so I blame that!). I'm kind of bummed that I'll be losing all of that momentum once the new pregnancy weight gain kicks in, but the up side is that I'll be starting this second pregnancy off in good health and will have a little more "room to grow" before I start freaking out about the weight gain!
  • chamberlain3
    chamberlain3 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you, TheLaser! Congratulations to you as well!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    The Laser!

    Yay! So happy to see you in the FF&P group again! How fun to go through two pregnancies with you!!
  • debbiezag
    debbiezag Posts: 32 Member
    Hey all,

    this is my 3rd pregnancy and EDD 4/19. The only thing different this it me around is that I'm super hungry ALL THE TIME and I'm showing much earlier. I've lost 20 Lbs since starting MFP and was up 5 lb prior to get ting preggo- I've already see the # on the scale jump up another 2 lbs since finding out. Any suggestions on how to curb this bottomless hunger to prevent rapid weight gain?? I never had this feeling with my other two and I definitely didn't have any really until I was in my second trimester so its very new to me to experiencing this so early on.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I guess I'd just recommend the same things we do when we are trying to lose weight:

    -veggies (preferably raw)

    I' focus on "Crunchy" type foods... carrot sticks, cucumber slices, fresh grapes, apples? Anything that you have to chew might help - and you can eat large quantities of those versus wheat things or something to try and fill up.

    And WATER! Increasing your water again should help.
  • debbiezag
    debbiezag Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks!! I need to carry a jug of water around with me I think- otherwise I just forget to drink and up getting dizzy.
  • LilPamB
    LilPamB Posts: 3
    I am due April 19th!! anyone Staving all day long but cant swallow anything because of nausea.....
  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    First time posting in this group! Due march 6 with our first, so a bit earlier than most of the rest of you. Nausea has left me for the most part, now I'm so hungry all the time. I eat a pm snack and still go to bed hungry, wake up hungry, etc. I have my calories set at maintenance, sedentary, eat back all my exercise calories. I'm just about 12 weeks, so does anyone know if I should up my calories now? I don't want to gain too much weight so I'm afraid to up my calories, but I'm so hungry! A bit of background, I'm about 5'5", was 130ish when I discovered I was pregnant and probably gained about 4 lbs already. this is the first week back from a vacation so my weight may still be a bit artificially high at the moment. I was 132.5 before vacation.

    Feel free to add me and any advice is welcome, thanks everyone and congrats to all of you!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    How is everyone feeling?

    I'm just curious about when your nausea really kicked in. In looking back at my previous pregnancy, I think the worst was probably Weeks 7-8 (or maybe I just got used to the misery after that!). I'm hoping that is not the case with this one, since that's the first week of school for me and I have lots going on.

    On another note, does anyone know if it possible to change the title of this thread to reflect proper grammar? No offense, but I'm an English teacher and every time I see "mommy's" I am itching to correct it!
    If it's not possible, would anyone mind if I started a new thread with just the title "April 2015 Due Dates?" (Yes, I am that nerdy.)
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    HI - I just found out that I am pregnant as well and due at the end of April. This will be my second pregnancy, but my first baby. We lost our son at 22 weeks pregnant a couple of years ago. I am excited and nervous and scared. Since it is so early (a little over 5 weeks now), I just want to focus on being healthy - eating and exercising. Nausea has not kicked in yet. I think last time it hit at about 7-8 weeks. About that time, I couldn't eat salad or certain vegetables because they tasted off to me. I am hoping that aspect doesn't hit this time around.
  • debbiezag
    debbiezag Posts: 32 Member
    Well nausea is in full blown mode- unfortunately there no associated vomiting with it- It was like this with my other 2 pregnancies and even then I felt it would better to be able to vomit (sorry TMI) than to walk around with this uncomfortable feeling all day. Hope everyone is feeling well!!
  • yohanna23
    yohanna23 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies! I am due with our third on 4/19, first is 4.5, second is 2 years old. With both previous pregnancies I was down to my baseline/healthy weight of 150 when we conceived. This time I am up 20 lbs from that at 170, which I am finding really disheartening. My goal is to only gain 15 lbs total this time. Hoping that using this website plus fitbit will help to achieve that...... Will be nice to have all of your support going though this together!
  • blakedebo
    blakedebo Posts: 130 Member
    Hi ladies! I just found out I am due with out 3rd, a complete surprise! To say this has been a mental adjustment is an understatement, but I am trying to embrace this! I have a daughter- 4 years old, and a son- 2 years old, both April babies. I am due April 29th according to my LMP, and have my first OB appt in 2 weeks. I am looking to keep my weight gain under control, keep tracking, keep active, and make good choices! I gained about 20lbs with both previous pregnancies and am hoping to stay under or around that number this time.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    due may 4th 2015