body feelings

arh0317 Posts: 33 Member
Hello! I've been eating (liquids) 4 oz at a time. Since surgery I've been afraid of taking in too much and what that may feel like. So far it hasn't been too bad. I'm getting ready to include soft foods. I tried a little bit of egg beaters yesterday. Today my chest feels a little full, almost like in my throat a tiny bit too. Did some of you experience feelings like this? I thankfully haven't had too many pain feelings. Sometimes just feels like my chest is a little tighter. And sometimes even with liquids I can feel them almost stuck for just a second then moving though... maybe the pouch entrance? What exactly does it feel like to be full? Not sure I'm experiencing that... drinking little at a time.

Then, an incision is still having a little drainage 10 days out. I go back to the dr Tuesday.

Could anyone lay on their side at this point or back only? Still feeling pretty tired too.



  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    I am only 2.5/3 weeks out. I started being able to lay on my side a week ago, with a pillow pulled up against me. I am pretty comfortable like this on my right side, but it's still uncomfortable if I try it on my left side (so I don't.) I still have to be careful getting up from bed, because the muscle is still tender. I do still get tired but it gets better each day. At not even two weeks out, I was still wanting an afternoon nap. Now, at 18 days out, I don't feel like I need one but I do fall asleep right away when I go to bed.

    I know the feeling you mean about it being stuck in your chest/throat. I notice this on pureed foods if it isn't wet enough. I also notice it with plain water (but flavored water goes down okay.) I didn't really feel full until I started on pureed foods. For example, I can easily drink 8 ounces of milk with protein. But, I just ate about 1/4 cup of ricotta cheese and I had to be much more careful about small bites and taking a break between bites. I think the chest pain comes from too big of bites (even though they are still small) with not enough liquid in my puree.

    For 10 days out, it sounds like you are doing really well.
  • sarahViolet1977
    sarahViolet1977 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm 3.5 weeks out and like Heather, i started feeling it in the purée stage. I found that it's if I drink too much at a time or if my bite is too big. Sometimes I forget and take what was once a "normal" bite!

    I was able to lay in my side about a week and a half out from surgery and on my stomach about a week after that.
  • arh0317
    arh0317 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks! It's not really going away today. Not sure what's going on.

    I'm having so much trouble trying to get in enough fluids too!
  • sarahViolet1977
    sarahViolet1977 Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks! It's not really going away today. Not sure what's going on.

    I'm having so much trouble trying to get in enough fluids too!

    I have problems with the fluids too. I only average 50 to 60 Oz a day. I'm not dehydrated so I'm not worried *yet*. I occasionally drink 1\4 bottle of Gatorade to keep me going too.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Took about 3 wks 'till I could lay on my side. If if forgot to take my reflux meds I would have the sensation of food hanging up. Soft food hung up for about the first few weeks. I wasn't chewing enough or my food was too dry or my bites were likely too big.
  • arh0317
    arh0317 Posts: 33 Member
    So Wed. will be 3 weeks. I've been so tired lately and not feeling like eating much at all. Yesterday I had a little eggs and cheese and a packet of Healthwise chicken soup. Today I'm still feeling pretty weak and seems like my stomach is a little bloated or very full. I'm hoping this gets better!
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    I'm sorry you are still struggling. I will be 4 weeks tomorrow and I definitely have days where I just feel tired and spent. I try to honor that and not overdo it on those days and try to rest when I can. I walked my regular 1.6 miles this morning but, for some reason, it really drained me today. I'll try to rest a little before I take the kids to swim team.

    I also try to make sure I am getting my calories. I don't start soft foods until Thursday so I am on pureed right now. I have to plan it out to make sure I am getting at least 70 grams or protein and I am for 700-800 calories. Some days I only get 600 but I still try to keep my protein up. I would suggest eating foods that go down easy, like purees, and not worrying too much about getting "real" food yet. I also still need at least one protein drink a day in order to get my protein in.

    And remember that it has ONLY been 3 weeks since you had major surgery. When I get frustrated with my progress, or lack of, I try to have compassion for all my new stomach is going through. It must be hard to have been cut in half and sewn back together again. So I try to be gentle with my new stomach and remember that it's still healing and needs time to adjust.
  • SimplySusan63
    SimplySusan63 Posts: 88 Member
    arh0317, you are doing great! Congratulations on your surgery and your choice to get healthy.

    I am 16 weeks (4 months) out from sleeve surgery, and I still remember the body feelings you're talking about. I would offer these thoughts:

    1. Your stomach is still very swollen and probably will be for another month. The very small space that is now your stomach is made even smaller from the swelling.

    2. In spite of the fact we've all been taught our stomach is in our lower belly, it is actually up higher, behind the base of the sternum. A swollen, full stomach can feel like food is in your throat. This is what causes the fullness in the throat.

    3. As ATXHealther suggested give yourself some time to heal; it's only been 2-1/2 weeks. Your body is healing from the surgery. You are also probably still feeling the effects of the anesthesia which can take weeks to process through your body (according to my doctor).

    Your body is a very good judge of what you need. Get the rest you need and don't push yourself. You'll do better in the long run if you take extra good care of yourself now.

    Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • c1nder
    c1nder Posts: 11 Member
    I will also be 3 wks., since my sleeve, on Thursday! I am having some of the same issues as you. I feel I can't eat anything and because of that I am having a hard time getting my protein in. Everything tastes really bad! Protein shakes are gagging me and the only thing I can really tolerate is the greek yogurt, but even that is getting hard to get down. I am taking all my vitamins but I think the lack of calories has me wiped out. I felt much better last week.
  • arh0317
    arh0317 Posts: 33 Member
    I will also be 3 wks., since my sleeve, on Thursday! I am having some of the same issues as you. I feel I can't eat anything and because of that I am having a hard time getting my protein in. Everything tastes really bad! Protein shakes are gagging me and the only thing I can really tolerate is the greek yogurt, but even that is getting hard to get down. I am taking all my vitamins but I think the lack of calories has me wiped out. I felt much better last week.

    Same here!!! I really wish there were protein alternatives.
  • msmarisa21
    msmarisa21 Posts: 23 Member
    I am 2 weeks out from surgery and had my follow-up with my surgeon today. He released me to go back to work and exercise without restrictions. The main thing I think has helped me is walking. Even if just to window shop, moving helps your circulation which promotes healing internally. I only did as much as I could handle and would nap in between. I made an effort to do light house cleaning instead of laying around watching TV.

    One high protein alternative that I have done really well with in the last 2 weeks is cottage cheese. I also add protein to sugar-free puddings (currently on sale at Costco until 8/31).

    I have experienced the same issues that if I take to big of a gulp/bite, it feels like horrendous heartburn. I have to wait for the food to pass. One of the best things I purchased was disposable baby spoons because they help me to remember to take small bites. Even with the smaller sized spoon, I only end up eating half of the spoon contents per bite and then putting the spoon down to rest for a bit between bites. Another thing that really helped me in the first couple of weeks was sucking on ice chips all day long to get my water in. I also purchased 8 oz water bottles from Costco which I find helpful in keeping track of how much I am drinking without being overwhelmed by a large volume of water in front of me.

    Best wishes in your recovery to everyone.