
Hi! my name is Candy and I am a Christian wife and sahm of two amazing boys, ages 12 and almost 9. my husband and I have been happily married for 13 years. I love going to church and reading my bible. I am hoping to make some new friends and encouragement along the way.


  • meg192327
    meg192327 Posts: 164 Member
    Hey there! :) So Glad you are here :) I have been here for almost a year, and have just recently gotten serious (again after many, many tries) with exercise and esp. diet. My goal weight was to loose 60-70 pds, but over the course of a year I have really only been able to loose 10 here-or-there, so now I'm starting over and I have lost 12pds so far and with the Lords help, I can loose the rest, which would be at least 40 more. I would love to be your friend on here and can hopefully give you the encouragement and support needed to help you reach your goal. Like our motto: We can do anything through CHRIST who strengthens US! Feel free to friend me on here, and for anyone else who needs some encouragement and support. Just be sure to send a message so I will know who you are, lol :) Many blessings to each and everyone of you :)
  • Hey there, I just found this group and I am hoping to find some more friends to add on here. I need all the encouragement and motivation I can find. I have started and stopped many times and I'm tired of it. I have two young sons and I want to be healthy for them, my husband and myself. I want to do all for the glory of God.
  • meg192327
    meg192327 Posts: 164 Member
    Hey Katie! We are glad you are here :) And Welcome. I also have little ones that I need to get healthy for so that way I hopefully can stay around a long time and help them grow up in the Lord. Feel free to friend me on here. Have a blessed day :)