New here. Anyone else have PP MS?

Just found this group and myfitnesspal. I got the official diagnosis of Primary Progressive MS a few months ago. I am doing all that I can to beat this. I have read lots of encouraging books and am putting things into practice - changed my diet, am starting to meditate, Tai Chi, stretching, etc. Just wondering if anyone else here has this type of MS and if so, what you have done that you found helpful?


  • AsterBellis
    AsterBellis Posts: 8 Member
    I see you have no replies as of yet! Thought I'd lend some moral support.

    I have SP MS. After my diagnosis in 2005, I did everything wrong! When something I used to be able to do easily became hard, I got scared and stopped doing it.

    I can see from your post that you will not be letting fear get the best of you!

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I have lost ground to recover and you seem to be doing everything I wish I had.
