Training plan question!

(Please excuse any typos, I'm on my phone and I type faster than it registers on occasion)

So I'm doing my 2nd half on 26 Oct. My first was 2 Nov 12 - so its been a bit.
But this time I'm actually following a plan - Hals intermediate half.
I did up a calendar showing my plan and the plan ends 12 Oct (with *the* half).

I get how to modify it during the week to stretch the plan two more weeks. But it's the 2 Sundays before my half I'm not sure what to do. I have a 12mi run on 5 Oct. But for 12 Oct and 19 Oct, I'm kinda lost.

I found a multi-distance race on 12 Oct that sounds like fun. Its got a 25k (shortest available) and I'm not sure if it'd be wise to do it two weeks from my half... I wouldn't race it, just use it as a training run...

The reason for the schedule ending early was because I've got a crap ankle but it's been doing fairly well as long as I stick with my physical therapy exercises. Occasionally a morning run is moved to the PM. But I'm feeling fairly alright given the fact I was out a large chunk of the 2013 racing season due to my injuries

Enough of my rambling! Thoughts? Suggestions? Halp!?


  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    There is no reason you cannot do the 25k 2 weeks as as long as you don't "race" it. Watch though that you do not end up with a big increase in miles for the week. In general 1 higher than normal week is not a big deal but when you add in the ankle issue you mention I'd error on the side of caution.

    the typical taper for a 1/2 is 7-10 days. The reason not to "race" it is that you would end up recovering from that kind of effort not too long before your half
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    I had something similar my half marathon. Not sure if this is right or wrong, but I added a couple of additional weeks to plan with 12.5 and 13.1 mile long runs.