Weekly challenge 8/28-8/31 Water

808malia Posts: 631 Member
Alright getting back to basics! I am going to try to start posting some challenges on here again, please feel free to post challenges or submit ideas! This weeks challenge is a bit late in the week, but it's never too late to start right? So this week is water challenge week! Try to get a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water a day, extra credit for 11 or more :bigsmile: and share your concerns and successes with the group. If you have any helpful tips on how to get extra water in, share those too! Go team :drinker:


  • D224
    D224 Posts: 6
    I drive a truck during the day. Before I start my day, I place water bottles in a duffle bag and drink them during the routes I drive(I like my water room temp). By the end of the day, I usually drink between 4 to 6 bottles of water. I know where all the places to stop and use the restroom are located too! :) I also fill a glass before going to bed so I can drink water if I wake in the night, or first thing in the morning.
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    That's awesome! I try to get extra water in by drinking unsweetened herbal teas :drinker: tastes great and 0 calories!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Alright getting back to basics! I am going to try to start posting some challenges on here again, please feel free to post challenges or submit ideas! This weeks challenge is a bit late in the week, but it's never too late to start right? So this week is water challenge week! Try to get a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water a day, extra credit for 11 or more :bigsmile: and share your concerns and successes with the group. If you have any helpful tips on how to get extra water in, share those too! Go team :drinker:

    Yay! Challenges!! I'm having another glass just to get myself up to 8 glasses for today. :)
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    Yesterday I drank 15 glasses of water :drinker:
  • D224
    D224 Posts: 6
    Oh My! I think I would float away. I drank 10 (8 oz glasses) and felt waterlogged. Good for you!
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    8 even seems so far away for me I have to break my soda habit all over again! I will try harder and post however :)
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Of all the times for me to fall off the water wagon! I've discovered Gold Peak diet tea. Good stuff, but it is NOT a replacement for water.
  • nmeech
    nmeech Posts: 9 Member
    I find if I keep my water bottle with me and take one or two drinks in between anything else I am drinking I am more likely to make my water goal. :drinker: