Carb Cycling and Working out?

I've been following Chris Powell's Carb Cycling program / Vemma Bode app for 1 month now - i've lost 8 lbs so far which i'm happy about, but now i want to start adding in Fitness. For the first month i just focused on the food because i have a history of being great with the fitness part but ruining everything with my eating habits. Now that i'm feeling confident about following carb cycling, i want to start working out to increase my weight loss results.

Does anyone have advice on how much to increase cal or carb intake when working out? I am following the turbo cycle so it's Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday - low carb, and then Weds/Sat - high carb, and Sunday - guilt free.

I'm going to workout M/T/W/T and Saturday (off on Friday and Sundays).

I'm just worried about not eating enough on my low carb days that i'll pass out during my workouts at the gym.

Thanks in advance to anyone who gives their advice!


  • Welcome2theHellmouth
    Welcome2theHellmouth Posts: 206 Member
    All Chris really ever says on his Facebook page is 1200 on LC days and 1500 on HC days. I guess try to have your highest intensity work outs on HC days and your cheat day. I usually eat about 1300 on LC days if I'm working out. I lost most of my weight before starting his program so I lose at a slow rate now. But I did lost about 15 lbs in 3 months after a plateau of losing nothing for like 6 months!
  • Lilylee757
    Lilylee757 Posts: 192 Member
    I agree with the 1200 LC and 1500 HC days. I would adjust it depending on how much you are doing on those days and how you feel. Some people seem to feel fine at those numbers and other feel weak. Good luck!
  • Deanna_garnermommy
    I work out every day, the 1200 and 1500 were not enough for me, i was walking around starving all day. I still need to lose 10 lbs. I want to try this again, but i can only try on increased calories. I am starting to train for a half marathon so there is no way i can run 4 days per week and lift weights on barbie calories lol