Weight or looks

adam_2218 Posts: 14 Member
I dont track my weight very closely, i am more worried about what i look like. Obviously weight is a great indicator if your going the right way. But i dont think i have an "ideal" weight. Anyone else in the same boat at all?


  • MelissaRettie
    MelissaRettie Posts: 48 Member
    I say I want to lose a certain amount of weight but since I started lifting weights I try not to focus on the scale. It helps to keep me accountable to know if I'm losing or going up in weight. But my MAIN goal is to improve the way I look. So I'm in the same boat as you!
  • adam_2218
    adam_2218 Posts: 14 Member
    Yeah, sounds really weird to say it though, sounds like im being vien. But i just want be fit enough and look good. Weight points me in the direction though
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I track my weight, but I would honestly rather go by how I feel, how my clothes feel, and what I look like. When you start dropping the inches, people notice.
  • adam_2218
    adam_2218 Posts: 14 Member
    exactly that :D
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I'm not too concerned with the number, but I want to reach a certain level of health and fitness. I have a genetic heart condition that was discovered not too long ago, and to put it bluntly... I think I have more of a shot of staying alive if I'm at a healthier weight and a higher fitness level (along with medical treatment, of course). Nothing more motivating than seeing a "side effect" of sudden cardiac death, haha!

    And if along with that comes the perk of looking amazing, well, I'm not gonna complain!
  • For me, it's not really either one. I mean, I'm here to lose weight, but it's more for a health standpoint than for how I look.
  • SiouxFallsMan
    SiouxFallsMan Posts: 28 Member
    Measurements is where it's at. The scale is a fickle beast and will deceive you! Measurements are a great way to keep honest tracking of how you are doing. I have been keeping them for a month now and I have lost 3 inches around the ole gut but only a few off the scale. Huge reason for this is that I am focused on strength training along with my cardio.
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    For me, it's definitely more about how I look/feel in my clothes more than anything else! I'm tired of squeezing into my jeans/shirts and wondering if I look "fat" in my clothes. Also, I am over the "oh, when are you due?" comments I have been receiving from strangers as of lately, when I'm not even pregnant! The scale has told me I'm overweight (actually, according to my height, I'm actually classified as obese). but the feeling of being unhappy in my own skin and clothes is more the motivation.
  • burlingtongrl
    burlingtongrl Posts: 327 Member
    For me it's more about size than weight. I need to lose weight for sure, but I don't have an exact number that i need to see on the scale.
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    I'm with you. Granted, I need to lose at least 60lbs before I get to a point where the number won't really matter. I've lost weight before and found as I got closer to where I wanted to be, I only weighed myself once a month or so to make sure I was still heading in the right direction but the number itself didn't matter so much, only how I looked and felt and how my clothes fit.