Don't let it die!

Hi people,
I somehow feel, that there is not a lot of motivation left in many of you. So pls let's do more! Refresh the leaderboard, kick off the members who are not participating since weeks and let's talk about our progress or our problems. I dont wanna win this challenge, but I want us all to win it by making it to the end.


  • tatowndoc
    tatowndoc Posts: 9 Member
    That sounds like a plan. I posted my weight a little late in the week, but would love to see more comments. What's working? I'm trying to emphasize more "real food" and avoid the breads and pastas and have at least 1/2 of what I eat be veggies and fruit. So far, having a plan and tracking calories (with some old fashioned honesty) seems to be what is effective.
  • MonaLisaSmile717
    MonaLisaSmile717 Posts: 28 Member
    Fabulous idea! The first week is always motivational and then it just dwindles! I've been adding in green juices to my morning mix! I have to admit, it is energizing! Keeps me going all morning on only half a cup of coffee. I used to be a 2-3 cupper before noon type of person, but no more. It also helps me drink a lot of water. Other than that... working out a few times a week and just generally being more active.

    Hope you all are having a great week!
  • Very nice. I had two different kinds of meal yesterday. For dinner I had a lot of vegetables and beans and stuff without a lot of Carbs and for dinner I had pasta with salami and egg. Both tasted fantastic, but the difference in calories was spectacular, considering both of them kept me equally satisfied.
    Vegetables: 300 Kalories
    Pasta: 700 Calories
    More than double... wow.
    I am amazed... still I cannot resist the pasta all the time. But it's good to see how much better the alternative is for the body.
    Over and out :-)
  • Hi people,
    I somehow feel, that there is not a lot of motivation left in many of you. So pls let's do more! Refresh the leaderboard, kick off the members who are not participating since weeks and let's talk about our progress or our problems. I dont wanna win this challenge, but I want us all to win it by making it to the end.
    Sorry everyone for not keeping up with the group this week. I've had one of those weeks where life just gets in the way but that being said "No Excuses". I've updated the spreadsheet and leader board.

    Thanks to those who have continued to progress and thanks to doorxstone for the kick in the pants. :wink:
  • Cbanjo
    Cbanjo Posts: 557 Member
    Hi, l didn't know we are required to post comment regularly. I've posted my new weight since Monday though.

    For me, l have been doing a lot of Jillian Michaels' workouts dvd and, though is tough, l am having fun with it.
  • Onoiam50
    Onoiam50 Posts: 355 Member
    I too have had a busy week, had no problems exercising in fact I do ride my bike first thing everyday, have lost focus food wise though, have some good days then slip for a couple, that's why my weight hasn't moved. Need to plan better. Will renew my conviction and keep moving forward as have lost 30 pounds which is an achievement so far and feeling much better than when I started 6 months ago..
  • jansalado
    jansalado Posts: 5 Member
    I have posted my weight weekly. I'm glad to find a place to post a reply. I am holding my weight but losing inches. Hopefully this week the weight will start to come off again. I'm starting weights this week in addition to my walking.