Day 2



  • catarinadev
    catarinadev Posts: 61 Member
    Day 2- yoga this morning, kung fu this evening, calories in check, 2 litres of water so far.

    So far, so good...
  • Met my goal on day 1 to do my training program- slacked a bit on the burpees but in my defense I'm just coming off a cold and thought I was going to cough out my lungs so I'm giving myself a high five for doing it at all.

    Day 2 goal: Make healthy decisions at free lunch today. Do some form of workout- perhaps a power yoga routine?
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Day 2 goals:
    Order water at lunch (birthday lunch for a coworker today)
    Go to zumba tonight
    96 ounces of water
    Hit my calorie goal
  • 0505jen
    0505jen Posts: 147 Member
    Day 2:
    Look for a new bathing suit. Going to Dominican next month. Bottoms of ones I have are too lose.
  • Tammy_1971
    Tammy_1971 Posts: 93 Member
    Day 2 Goals: No chocolate, at least 90 oz of water, begin Couch to 5K... it is hard to believe I ran a half-marathon 2 years ago... ugh!! LOL
  • eimaj04
    eimaj04 Posts: 19 Member
    Day two (mini goal) 9/4:

    Go to the gym -
    labrada lean body work out from (back and biceps)
    ** work on my form**
    15 min of Arc Trainer hill work out L4
    15 min of Stairmaster
    of course stay within my calorie limit and work on hitting my daily macros!!
  • Keely7785
    Keely7785 Posts: 1 Member
    Is it ok for me to join you from today? I have 94lb to loose so would be love to have the support of this group to loose as much as I can by december!! xx
  • arkansas300
    arkansas300 Posts: 24 Member
    I am so excited to be a member of the 100 day challenge. I just started today 09/04/2014. My goal is to be out of my 200's. Today I weigh 227 pounds. My goal is to weigh 198 pounds by December 2014. SO Lets get moving Sharon! MFP Girls ROCK!
  • arkansas300
    arkansas300 Posts: 24 Member
    You can lose 30 pounds by X-Mas. Stay focus daily. Record your goal and you will succeed. Continue MFP daily and you can't go wrong. I'll cheering for you!
  • nancy_bou20
    nancy_bou20 Posts: 11 Member
    Great day 1 and great start to day 2.

    Here is a suggestion if it interests you...Yesterday I put in what I would like to eat today and copy the page to my smart phone. When I got home last night I prepared as best as I could what I had written to eat.

    To motivate myself, today I check off the food that I eat from yesterday's prediction and it makes me happy to see that I am following my program and I am being good to myself and succeeding my second day in nutrition.

    This took me an extra 5 minutes yesterday to plan out BUT when I got home I ALREADY knew what to prepare and it made my evening of planning quick and easy.

    Give it a try! it will help you focus on the foods you should and want to eat for the next day.
  • nsokoloski
    nsokoloski Posts: 8 Member
    I am going to join this group to get some motivation. My goal is to stay active and lose some weight while doing it. I am going to Los Cabos in January my goal is to feel comforatble in my bathing suit. I have about 50lbs to lose but I know I won't lose that much by xmas. Goal- 1 coffee /day no take out coffee and switch from cream to milk or almond milk and sweetner.
    Wish me luck, this has been my struggle for a long time. But I have never really put it "out there" for others to help me be accountable. OK feeling motivated. ...right after I drink my coffee :)
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I stuck to my mini goals for day 1. Day 2 goals are to stay under my calories, get my water in, and at least 30 minutes of exercise.
  • lomicam
    lomicam Posts: 1 Member
    Minigoal for today: Complete strength training routine. Stay within calorie range.:happy:
  • Hello all!

    I am happy to say that day 1 went well for me. Now on to day 2!!!

    My goals for today:
    -Eat my veggies!!! ...I don't know why this is so hard for me?!?!
    -Log my food & exercise
  • Day 2:
    Look for a new bathing suit. Going to Dominican next month. Bottoms of ones I have are too lose.

    How exciting, congrats on the new bottoms!!!! Can't wait 'til I'm there!
  • I started Day 1 without knowing I would join this group but am Glad I did.

    *Main goal for today- Go on that 1 mile walk with my sister I planned to do on Tuesday.

    If I get that goal accomplished I will be ecstatic.

    My healthy eating so far has been going great. As of today I am not too worried about that.:smile:
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    Well Day 1 (technically Day 2 for me, since I rebooted myself with a workout and logging into myfitness pal) wasn't a win but not a fail either in terms of goals. I still didn't get enough water in my day (I think I had 64 oz total, I need to get 78 oz for half my body weight), went above my calories by 50ish, but still managed to walk over 10,000 steps yesterday and do yoga after extreme muscle soreness from the workout the day before.

    Will be better today, hopefully. I have a physical assessment today and boyfriend is going back home, so won't have him around to influence me to go out and eat/drink. As long as I make good decisions for my lunch and dinner, I should be good today! I can do this!
  • Just joined this group today...I'm new to this forum stuff, but I'm hoping it will give me some added motivation because this weight loss stuff just isn't sticking yet :). My goal is 25lbs for these 99 days left... best of luck to everyone...
  • littlefury
    littlefury Posts: 25 Member
    Yesterday's Goals Revisited:

    Take at least 15,000 steps per day (my current average is about 10,000) ACCOMPLISHED!
    Stay within my daily calorie goal ACCOMPLISHED!
    Drink 48oz of water per day (my current average is about 24oz) ACCOMPLISHED!
    Log food and exercise ACCOMPLISHED!
    Day 1 Mini-Goal: Avoid the cookies on display in the kitchen ACCOMPLISHED!

    Day 1 was a great day! :smile:

    TODAY'S MINI GOAL: Carefully plan ahead before I go out to eat tonight and STICK TO THE PLAN!
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    My day 2 is going well. I picked a healthier lunch option today, and it actually cost less. I managed to fit in some lovely dark chocolate, pretty much the only thing that gets rid of my chocolate craving. But I bought the good stuff, and only ate a serving of it, so I can have some for lunch tomorrow too, yay! I made it all fit it my calories and I have plenty left for a snack if I feel hungry and y dinner. Dinner is usually my downfall, so I'm hoping to stay on my portion sizes.

    My goals this week are just logging, logging everything! I'm doing much better since starting up again this weekend than I used to, and it makes it easy to see why I haven't lost any weight, not that I was trying hard this summer...or at all really...
    I have a digital kitchen scale now that I am going to break out for dinner to really start learning my portion sizes. I'm still fighting the prednisone for my appetite though, it has been driving me to eat even when I'm stuffed full. I've been trying to increase my exercise to counter it, but I only have about 2 weeks left and then I'm done and my appetite should return to normal making this a lot easier.

    I'm planning next weeks goals to exercise everyday, get good cardio in at least 4 days a week and weight lifting at least 2 days, hoping for 3.

    I am proud I spend 16 minutes on the exercise bike last night before my knee quit on me. But my little 3 year old! She was so excited to see mommy exercise. "Mommy, are you exercising?" "your doing it!" "Go go VERY FAST!!!" She was my little personal trainer last night :D