Not bleeding!!!

I haven't had my period in almost 5 months. No I'm not prego. Anyone else that find that they don't have their period for long periods of time. No pun intended. If so how long haven't you had one??


  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    I went without a period of 24 months, with no pregnancies. you should go and see your gyno and ask for an ultra sound of your ovaries.
  • It's not surprising to not have a regular period if you have PCOS. My last period was like 22 months ago and counting. I'm the type of person who didn't have a period much at all throughout teen/college years though. I've always tended to have large gaps of time between random occurrences, though I know others have different experiences. (Never taken any meds or been sexually active either, if that matters somehow)
  • Yeah I got my first period when I was 18 and since then I probably haven't gotten 10 periods yet
  • I once went 10 years without a period. I have to have something like Provera or BCPs to get one in the first place. To this day I haven't had a "natural" period.
  • sweetsorrow18
    sweetsorrow18 Posts: 54 Member
    Pretty common with PCOS - I've had it since I was 18 (started periods at 12 and been inconsistent since). I was put on birth control at 19, for about 4 years (so 23) - have been off for past 2 years ish (personal choice).

    Two things first - see your GP or OBGYN stat (ensure no other problems are going on) and get an ultrasound of your ovaries (you need to know whether there are any cysts or not).

    With a 20 lb weight loss, I got consistent period (without medication) in June and July - skipped over August. It's said that a 10% reduction in body can get your hormones working again, so without a doubt, weight loss is key in regaining cycles. That is assuming you are overweight. Many normal weight/thin ladies can also have PCOS w/ or w/o no cycles - however I don't have much knowledge in that realm.

    Be consistent, and patient...I found cutting out sugars and going low carb was key to my success - I have since gained 5 lbs back and I'm thinking that's probably why I didn't get my period in August. So I'm back on the grind!
  • mjrose514
    mjrose514 Posts: 60 Member
    Normal with pcos, especially if you weigh to much or not enough. However you need to see your doc and get something to jump start it. I learned when it happened to me that it's super dangerous to go beyond 60 or 90 days without one. The lining just builds up and is linked to cancer.
  • I've ALWAYS had irregular periods. But the most I have ever gone without one is 4 months. Usually though, I have them two times a month and they are very long and very heavy. Is that normal???