MY FRIENDS sign in . . . .

:bigsmile: I am hoping a lot of my friends OLD and NEW will come sign in and hang out. . . I could really use some support. . . I have been MIA for a while, but am BACK and ready to get at this WEIGHT LOSS THING with a vengeance:heart: . . .. Please come in and feel free to start a new topic. . . :heart:


  • willow2564
    willow2564 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Jade,

    I have also had a rest from myfitnesspal during the Summer and lost a lot of my old friends, and put on 7 lbs :0( - so back to my diet to lose weight for good this time.
    Love the name of your group - Butterfly.
    I bit about myself - married with 4 kids, and I work from home and do some volunteer work each week, need to get fit and lose about 30 to 40 pounds.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Hello Willow,

    Thanks for coming to join me. . . My name is actually Erica, and I as well gained weight while away from MFP. . .I know with the support and accountability of my friends here though I can take it off. . I have done many challenges here, and am now looking for a new one to do to get me motivated. . I need something easy though as heavy as I am right now.

    So you have four kids as well eh. . . Mine don't all live with me, but my husband and I have 4 as well. So what kind of work do you do from home???
  • willow2564
    willow2564 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, Erica, Willow is also not my real name, just part of my selling name, my real name is Audrey, and my four kids still live with me, they are 24, 20, 17 and 10 years, I work from home making artist dolls & bears, been making and selling them at Doll & Teddy fairs since 1991.
    A challenge ? how about drinking 8 classes of water a day for a month - that might be easy and would help us lose weight? I only drink about 5 a day at the moment.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Yes, AUDREY. . . sadly. . I am a final short of being a physical trainer, and I have gotten in such bad habits of late. . . .goodness. . .I definitely need to get on the water train. . . I should be drinking 4 quarts per day. . . . and am no where near that. Since I started back though drinking more water and journaling. . . I have lost 4.5lbs.:bigsmile: