How do you feel after that first weigh in?

Congrats to everyone who is on this group, no matter if you lost nothing or lost 10, or even gained a little. Don't be discouraged because at least you are here doing something, logging your food, learning new things to try, exercising. Do not let a number on the scale define you. Just keep trying, that's what we all are here for, trying to get healthy, trying to feel better and meeting some new friends. So keep chugging along and trust me, you will succeed!!


  • irisheyes321
    irisheyes321 Posts: 52 Member
    Miserable lol.

    The scales have not moved in nearly two weeks.Even when I move the damn thing to different parts of the bathroom it still stays the same :)

    Hopefully next week I will have good news to share.Well done to everyone involved in this challenge xxx
  • arrielle10
    I love seeing my scale go down.

    The bathroom at the gym was being cleaned and I did not get to weigh myself today :(
    I will get back with you Monday. The gym I go to is like 15 miles away(but right next to where my husband works and free because of his job) and I usually drive to it on the weekend at least once anyway but I think I will be passing and getting outside this weekend.

    Even if the scale doesn't go down, I enjoy weighing myself because I know I did something that week I need to change or work on.
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    Even if I wish that I had moved it more, it is so great to see so many people in this challenge and sticking with it. I do think that we should have a new thread each month for weighing in, just because there are so many people and everyone is staying active. it is hard to sort through and see how everyone did.
  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    I am feeling pretty good. I started into the challenge about halfway through the month, but I had a solid loss after a plateau of a few weeks. When this challenge ends, I might just have to add up the total amount of weight that this group has lost.
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    My scale finally moved! I'm ecstatic!
  • nessa3983
    A little discouraged. I've lost 1 lb since joining the group(2 weeks ago-ish). But I know I'm losing BC my husband noticed my legs are smaller and my jeans are getting baggy. I have a feeling that I'm gonna start dropping weight though????
  • Mahlers_2nd
    Mahlers_2nd Posts: 11 Member

    I'm glad I lost but still feel overwhelmed at how far I have to go -- beyond Christmas. I realize this should be a good intermediate starting point and a good starting point since it will help me set new habits and lay the groundwork for long-term success... but I've been at "week 1" so many times before that it is hard to imagine long-term success.
  • toniRAD
    toniRAD Posts: 196 Member
    I can't weigh in until I buy a new scale, it broke the other day. :angry: Good job everyone!
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    I am cautiously optimistic. Sounds like a downer. I've been down this road before.
    Gotten seriously excited then, let myself down.
    Week one I am 4.6 lbs down. That is just a teaser.
    Week one is easiest. We know what those lbs really are.
    However I am keeping my resolve high and checking in with you guys daily.
  • Cactusedd
    Cactusedd Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a bit worried. I might've lost a few cm but I'm not really sure of where exactly I put the measuring tape last time so it might not be accurate. I know it's normal not to lose weight while burning fat and (I hope) building muscles, but I'm starting to feel like I'm not doing it right again. It's been 4 weeks and 0 kg lost so far.
    PS I'm glad this group exists, the thought of the next weight-in keeps me going at times :flowerforyou:
  • afrodizzia
    afrodizzia Posts: 56 Member
    I am cautiously optimistic. Sounds like a downer. I've been down this road before.
    Gotten seriously excited then, let myself down.
    Week one I am 4.6 lbs down. That is just a teaser.
    Week one is easiest. We know what those lbs really are.
    However I am keeping my resolve high and checking in with you guys daily.


    I'm also on Team Cautiously Optimistic.

    I have been down this road too often and have already been dieting for a few weeks. I have also been unable to go below this weight for the last 3 - 4 years.
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    For those worried they are not seeing a drop with the scale. I walked for 2 weeks and say nothing, I thought about giving up because I knew I was doing everything I could, watching what I ate and exercising, but I decided to keep doing it and than all of a sudden the weight started coming off. Stay strong and keep moving!!
  • Ump78
    Ump78 Posts: 342 Member
    I'm seeing steady weight loss. My plateau is at 225-230. Usually get down there and just stall. But this time it's gonna work. I have a plan that is workable, I log every bite, and I make sure I consider WHY I'm eating, WHEN I'm eating, not just WHAT I'm eating.
    For those not seeing the loss right away....we are all different. I lost 8lbs week one. Trash weight. My habits were just that bad. Set small goals that aren't scale related. 3 more reps. 5 more mins of cardio. Something. Small ATTAINABLE goals. And keep your eyes on the prize.....a healthier, sexier you!
  • Palamedes
    Palamedes Posts: 174 Member
    Doing well so far. However, I went real hard the week before my weigh-in because I was in a contest to lose the most weight over the summer. I then went hard this past week because I didn't want to get stuck this week after the contest ended. Hopefully, I can settle back down to my gentle 1 to 1.5 pounds per week weight loss rate.
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member

    I'm glad I lost but still feel overwhelmed at how far I have to go -- beyond Christmas. I realize this should be a good intermediate starting point and a good starting point since it will help me set new habits and lay the groundwork for long-term success... but I've been at "week 1" so many times before that it is hard to imagine long-term success.
    I feel that way at times too. I just think this 20 lbs then after Christmas I can set a new goal for the next 20 lbs before some date like Easter. and so on. Its nice to have a focus like this for me. Its not the end but the beginning. I can't wait to be 20 lbs less :bigsmile:

    If you think about it from when we started it was almost 5 months and if you even lose 4 lbs each weigh-in you will make it!!! That's about 1 lb a week.
  • arrielle10
    2 pounds gone! I feel great, although I wish it was more. The first 2 weeks I lost 8 pounds.
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    Everyone is doing great! Give yourself a high five just for joining the group. I am sure most of you like me have lost and gained, lost and gained. For me this time it's about doing it the right way not the fast unhealthy way. I have done shots, pills, starvation and even purging. I'm too old for that mess now, it's about a slow steady weight loss on a healthy lifestyle plan. These pounds did not come on over night and they are not going to go away over night. Please if you get discouraged, talk to someone, email me, a friend. Someone, you can do this!!
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    Lost 3 lbs. Started the C25K. Now on Week 6 Day 2. It's killer. Probably because I'm overweight. Hopefully has I drop weight it gets easier. Best wishes everyone.
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    Everyone is doing great! Give yourself a high five just for joining the group. I am sure most of you like me have lost and gained, lost and gained. For me this time it's about doing it the right way not the fast unhealthy way. I have done shots, pills, starvation and even purging. I'm too old for that mess now, it's about a slow steady weight loss on a healthy lifestyle plan. These pounds did not come on over night and they are not going to go away over night. Please if you get discouraged, talk to someone, email me, a friend. Someone, you can do this!!

    I agree with you. I'm definitely to old to use those drastic methods to look good. I'm not going to diet anymore. Just eat smaller portions and exercise. We can do! On my way to workout.