Losing weight around your midriff after a C-section

hellosay Posts: 76 Member
I gave birth 3 years back and always held onto the belief that no matter what I did, my grotesquely expanded, lumpy stomach wasn't going away as I had a C-section. As a result, I waited for 3 years for the weight to "drop off" as it does for some women. Unfortunately, nothing happened and it only reinforced my belief that losing the fat around my tummy was an impossible task.
I joined a gym and incorporated strength training and cardio in my routine and also joined MFP. Fast forward to today, I just realized that I can wear a two-piece if I wanted and could not take my eyes of my newly flattened tummy.
I felt like an idiot for believing that myth for so long.
So, for all the moms out there, YES, it can be done! You can get back your pre-baby body! Now let's do it!


  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    Yeah! That is awesome. Doing core exercises made a huge difference for me after my first one. and I also waited 3 years was just not priority. so excited for you
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    In for a better than pre-baby body. With my 2nd child, I waited to get in shape until he was 2. My 3rd is 10 weeks old and I've been working out for 3 weeks now. I'm determined. All 3 births were c sections.
  • radiance526
    radiance526 Posts: 11 Member
    Awesome! Way to go! This is encouraging to me! I did not have a c-section but i carried twins for over 38 weeks and it was rough on me.I gained 75pounds- I got huge with them!. I have been working so hard to get in shape. and ya know- it is slow but it is coming along. It can be done. Thank you for posting. I hope I can wear a two piece soon.
  • MariaBella87
    MariaBella87 Posts: 1 Member
    Great post. Thanks for that! Good luck with the rest of your journey.
  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    I'm so happy to hear this! I definitely need to keep working on core strength and losing the fat, but my belly is just driving me batty. It's just flab. And I'm terrified that even when I do lose the fat and tighten up the muscle I will have loose skin left behind. But one thing at a time... I'd rather have loose skin covering tight muscles than all that flab.
  • hgodfrey32
    hgodfrey32 Posts: 11 Member
    I am having the same problem and its been a year since I had my baby. I have been working on planks like many say to do but I was wondering do you have other core workouts that I could try?

  • Jenn87m
    Jenn87m Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Ladies I hope every one is doing well with their weigh loss journey :0) I was wondering if any one knows when it is safe to start a work out regimen after you give birth ? I am due October 11th, 2014 and before i got pregnant i was on a weight loss journey, I lost 64 pounds total and still needed to loose a significant amount (53 Pounds) and with the pregnancy i put some of the weight back on. Some people told me its better to start right after you give birth others told me i have to wait a few months before i start working out. How long did you wait?..