New here and would like some tips please <3

Hello all!

So I am new here. I am a lot on the heavy side and am trying to shed some (a lot of) weight. I have PCOS and I have a family history of insulin related problems. I'm a Uni undergraduate and so I spend a lot of time studying and sat down. Basically I find it hard to exercise and to incorporate it into my routine as opposed to setting time aside for exercise.Obviously I will be doing that, it's just that I'd like it if I had a more active lifestyle outside of that. I also have problem keeping weight off...I lose weight and then if I get stressed (usually about family or exams/essays) I lose momentum and end up gaining it back again. Furthermore my periods are crazy! I get really depressed and anti-social and really unmotivated. I know I'm being whiny but I need help! What kind of things do you guys suggest? Any tips would be much appreciated.


  • memedandy1
    memedandy1 Posts: 10 Member
    Out of curiousity, are you on any type of birthcotrol? I tried going without birthcontrol and my cycle got out of control, between depression and heavy irregular flow I was miserable. Though to be fair getting back on to birth control didn't fully get rid of the depression. It wasn't until I got on a regular exercise routine that this became more manageable. I know that it can be difficult when feeling low to get up and get active, but the think that I always tell myself is that "When you need it the most, is when you feel like doing it the least." It helps me to remember that being active will help improve my mood and will also manage my stress levels!

    Oh and if you can find a cheap Zumba class. I highly recommend! Make exercise fun!
  • IvyLuci
    IvyLuci Posts: 117 Member
    Start small. Put an alarm on your phone that rings every hour when you are studying. When the alarm rings take a 10 minute walk around the building or neighbourhood. It will improve your studying since it will allow your brain to take a break and it will get some exercise in.

    The standard things: park a bit further, take the stairs, walk to everything where possible.

    Find an activity that looks interesting and involves movement. Put it on your schedule and stick to it. The only reasons I don't go to the gym? High temperature, broken limbs, or really good concerts.

    What helps me when my schedule gets hectic is pre-planning. I plan and pre-log my food, and pack it into tupperware, put it in the fridge. I lay out the clothes I am planning on wearing, I pack my bag with everything I am going to need. This doesn't take longer than 15, 20 minutes and with the MFP app can be done while waiting in line or for the classes to start.
    And then the next day I just stick to the schedule. I eat the food that's in my bag, I go to scheduled things. And then repeat it all the next day :-)

    Your periods are influenced by the extra estrogen from the extra fat. (or something close to that, I have to admit I wasn't paying much attention when the doctor was explaining it to me). Therefore it would probably help if you were on some type of pills to regulate them (I can't take BC pills with estrogen, they make me depressed. so I have progestogen only pills-they just cause my uterus to shed, and don't cause any side effects for me). Talk to a gynecologist, get a referral to an endocrinologist, they will want to get your blood-hormone levels, sugar levels etc.