Newton Running shoes?

anyone using them? Runningwarehouse has Distance '12s for $50 bucks (less with my group discount :smile: ) and with their awesome return policy I thought they were worth a try. Just looking for something to mix into my shoe rotation for mid to long runs (8-20 milers) and maybe race half's and and my fall marathon in.

Any thoughts?

Also why don't we talk about shoes more in this group? SSHOOOOOOOOEEEEEESSSS!!!


  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    I've nothing for you but I'll bump it for ya!
  • HappyRunner34
    HappyRunner34 Posts: 394 Member
    Here in tax happy, expensive Canada, those shoes are running $150 ish, so based on price alone, and naturally assuming you like minimalist, why not give them a whirl! Personally a NB/Brooks person and cant wait to try shoes once I'm off IR.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    anyone using them? Runningwarehouse has Distance '12s for $50 bucks (less with my group discount :smile: ) and with their awesome return policy I thought they were worth a try. Just looking for something to mix into my shoe rotation for mid to long runs (8-20 milers) and maybe race half's and and my fall marathon in.

    Any thoughts?

    Also why don't we talk about shoes more in this group? SSHOOOOOOOOEEEEEESSSS!!!

    I started with Gravity a few years back and was going to switch to the Distance but I got 3 pair of Gravity 2013's when they went on discount this year. The Gravity is essentially the Distance with a small piece of rubber on the heel.

    Is this a shoe for you? It's designed for a mid footer and without the rubber on the heel, it will wear pretty quickly if you aren't a mid footer.

    I found the toe box to be wide and it seems to ventilate well, too. The only downside, and this is a little thing, is that the laces are stupid-long. Don't know why they did that but I've had to shorten the laces by almost 6" to stops the ends from flopping around.

    The newer models have 5 lugs instead of 4 for better stability, especially in the wet, but I've never been bothered by having only 4 lugs maybe 'cause I live in place where it "never" rains. :-)

    If they fit well and feel good on your feet, stock up while the price is right.
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    If you don't mind eating $50 go I say go ahead and order them. Newtons are very subjective; people either love them or hate them. I would NOT recommend throwing them on for a long run until you have got a few shorter runs to make sure the lug isn't going to be an issue.
  • beeblebrox82
    beeblebrox82 Posts: 578 Member
    I've read that they take some adapting to for sure. the nice thing about running warehouse is it's free returns, even if you've run in them for some miles. I figured for less than 30% of retail they were worth a try, I see a lot of love it or hate it on these things. I'm not a big heel striker, at least I don't think I am, so I'm hoping these help me with my form. We shall see I suppose. I wouldn't classify myself as a minimalist but I don't over pronate too much and I run in natural shoes. My standard trainers are Brooks Ghost 6s.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Just checked the drop on Brooks Ghost 6 and they're at 10 mm vs about 4 for the Gravity. With that big a change, conventional wisdom says to start out with the Newtons by running shorter distances until you get used to them.
    Check out the Newton website for the details.
    You will find it strange to switch from the Newtons back to the Brooks. I still have a pair of Nike Equalon's that I bought when I was obese and, when I put them on, I feel like I'm falling forward!
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    I have Newtons and love them. As others noted you do need to potentially adjust to the heel drop. What I like is not the lugs but they just seem to fit me really well. Very comfortable. Now all that said as much as I think one needs the right shoe I think there is too much shoe obsession
  • beeblebrox82
    beeblebrox82 Posts: 578 Member
    I have a set of flats I do some speed work so I've gotten used to switching drops.

    So the newtons arrived, and I ran 2 miles in them that night... it took me 2 miles to get used to them but I found them to be very comfortable and definitely made me more conscious of my form.

    The next day I threw caution to the wind and ran my 18 mile long run in them. The first 12 miles was awesome fast easy with no discomfort. The last 6 my right IT band started flaring up just a bit, not sure if it was shoe related I've had trouble with it before... either way, these are definitely going to be my long distance racing shoe, I love the way they help remind me of my form and the launch I get from them. I'm almost tempted to buy another pair while the older models are available and cheap.
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    Glad they worked out for you. If you like them I would definitely recommend stocking up on them during the sale, retail is $125ish.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I have a set of flats I do some speed work so I've gotten used to switching drops.

    So the newtons arrived, and I ran 2 miles in them that night... it took me 2 miles to get used to them but I found them to be very comfortable and definitely made me more conscious of my form.

    The next day I threw caution to the wind and ran my 18 mile long run in them. The first 12 miles was awesome fast easy with no discomfort. The last 6 my right IT band started flaring up just a bit, not sure if it was shoe related I've had trouble with it before... either way, these are definitely going to be my long distance racing shoe, I love the way they help remind me of my form and the launch I get from them. I'm almost tempted to buy another pair while the older models are available and cheap.

    Sounds like you're moving into a low drop shoe very nicely. Congrats.

    I hate to sound like a one note Johnny but if you're having IT band issues work on the muscles in the pelvic girdle. Check out the link below. His guidance is well founded and is based on reproducible results.

    Enjoy the shoes and good luck with the IT band.