Surgery Consult Delayed

Hello Friends :smile: :flowerforyou:
I know you haven't seen much of me lately. I try to check in and read the daily posts but there has been a lot going on lately & I have really missed you guys.
I went to my Pre-Op Diet teaching on Friday & came home to a message from the surgeon's office that my surgery consult that was scheduled for Sept. 11 has been postponed till Sept. 30. I guess the surgeon I was supposed to see will not be in that day & now I am seeing her spouse.
It's a little disappointing as if I would have had my original appt. date my surgery would have been in November. That leaves me wondering if my surgery will be before the holidays.
I am a firm believer that things happen when they are meant to happen. For me that mean's God's timing.
Tonight I had coffee with a lady I met in my "Craving Change" workshops. She is scheduled for surgery in October along with another lady from the group I spoke to yesterday.
My mom's dementia is quickly advancing and we are trying to get her into a nursing home. She has a lot of health issues and truthfully we could lose her anytime.
I'm still adjusting (reasonably well) to my sister moving in with me "temporarily" on July 31st.
I am also in the process of trying to refinance my home and take some financial pressure off as this is not the time to move, but there is a good chance that could happen in the spring or summer. I can deal with that and now that my pets are no longer with me these past 2 years I am fine to sell my house and move into an apartment. That will take a lot of pressure off.
I know there is a reason for the delay in my surgery but I can't help but think that it would be so much easier to get it out of the way so I can start the healing process.:grumble:
I have also noticed that I am not the only one that seems to have a lot of curve balls as surgery approaches. I'm sure it will all make better sense in the end.
Anyway, just want to tell all of you how much I've missed having more contact by responding to your posts as well as posting some myself.
This forum is such a huge support system for me. Logging my calories keeps me accountable daily and I've made amazing friends on the site.
Thanks for all of kudos, support, advice, encouragement and most of all for listening. You guys are the best. :heart: :drinker: :smile:


  • jesswithsuccess
    I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, and your recent difficult times. Its been a heck of a year for my husband and I as well. And like you, I just want to get past the surgery so I can move on with my life. Hopefully they'll be able to schedule yours well before the holidays so you can have a relaxing Christmas.
    I agree with you about things being timed the way they are for a reason. I've had too many instances of God showing me this to even count.
    Good luck with everything!!!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    We're here when you have time. One of the things that feels 'different' from past weight loss efforts is the feeling of stability that comes from being here. Life goes on and I know there will be times when outside stresses will make it feel like eating right and exercising won't be top of mind, but the lapse can be shorter than it has been in the past because there will be this group to come to to remind me of the reasons and path to success.

    Take care of life, and be here as you can.

  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Just go with the flow on this one, it is out of your control so there is no sense being frustrating over a process that you can't do anything about. We are here when you need us, take care of things on the home front. Wishing you all the best with your mom, and your finances. Take care.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I must say, you have a great attitude! God's timing is sometimes hard to see and frustrating when we want what we want. You seem to be waiting on Him, and that's the perfect attitude to have!

    I am so sorry about your mother. That's such a hard illness to deal with. Praying that you find just the right home for her so her needs are met and you are at peace with the placement.

    You are doing great! Hang in there and stay strong. Remember, "God turns all things to good for those who are called according to His purpose".

  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Thanks you all so much for your encouraging words. In a lot of ways this forum is like a family of it's own. :heart:
    I don't mean to use this forum as a place to vent daily or life frustrations, but we all understand how emotions and food addiction go hand in hand.
    Luckily, I am not having urges to overindulge or "fall off the wagon." Yes, my exercise has really slowed down these past 2 weeks but I've gotta get back on track with that and not let life get in the way.
    I know that I just have one major hoop to jump through, that being my consult with the surgeon on Sept. 30th and to walk away with my surgery date for VSG, unless for some physical reason like scar tissue that I am not a candidate for it. Otherwise I have my mind made up and will pretty much insist on VSG. It is my body & I should be able to have my preference of WLS unless a medical issue stands in the way. If that is the case, I will have RNY but only if VSG isn't possible.
    Thanks again to all of you for being my sounding board when I need one and for all of your positive statement, kudos and words of encouragement that build me up as I continue on this journey day by day. :flowerforyou:
  • weeziebeth
    weeziebeth Posts: 168 Member
    Face to the sun!
    You have a lot on your plate (sorry for the food analogy) and I am so proud of you for not giving in to stress eating and destruction. I know that this will happen with perfect timing for you. I am encouraged by your faith throughout this process, know that He guides the surgeon's hands (and knows who that surgeon is and what procedure will be done) and watches over you-with plans only for your good.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Thank you so much Weeziebeth and to all of you who previously posted.
    I just came home from seeing mom after my fellowship tonight. It's her birthday tomorrow & I wanted to see her tonight & bring her favorite chicken meal to her along with a few other treats as I'm not sure if I can get there tomorrow.
    I can't imagine where I would be without my faith. It has gotten me through so much but I didn't always have faith this strong. I had to get pretty broken before I surrendered my faith to God and let Him be in the drivers seat.
    I'm not saying this to push my beliefs on anyone, only for my gratefulness in what helps me most to cope with life & it's curve balls.
    It was great to come home and reread this thread again along with Weeziebeth's recent comment.
    Take good care of yourselves and have a great day everyone. Big Hugs. :smile: