Glucose Tolerance Test

I'm a first time momma, and I have my GTT on Monday, Sept 29th, in addition to an injection for my rh negative blood's going to be a long day.

So I'm wondering if I should really try to clean up my diet over the next couple of weeks, or if I should just go "as is" for the test. Mind you, I'm not gorging myself on junk food, I just still enjoy moderate amounts of sugars, grains, dairy, etc that could easily be eliminated. Might it be better for me and baby if I cut out all the excess sugar right now, rather than waiting a few weeks? I guess I'm being paranoid in assuming I will fail, but let me know your thoughts. Did anyone purposefully reduce their sugar intake prior to the test in a past pregnancy?

(PS, this was cross posted in my December due date group, sorry for the double post for those in both!)


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I've had the GTT in all three of my pregnancies and haven't changed a thing in my diet. I had to have it as there's a family history of type 2 diabetes. I don't eat loads of sugary stuff anyway, but I did enjoy the odd treat while I was pregnant!

    Obviously if you eat a diet full of sugar and junk you should change that anyway (general you, not you specifically).
  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    I'm on my 4th child, I haven't had the test yet this pregnancy. However, in the past 3 pregnancies I have not changed my diet in the least and passed the test. I have late adult onset diabetes on both sides of the family tree, so I am glad that so far, I seem to be avoiding it. Now to keep getting very healthy so I don't get it later in life!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    I didn't change my diet for the test. I've taken it 7 times now. I've only failed once. My first pregnancy I passed at 8 weeks, failed at 24 weeks, had "prediabetes" after it. Lost 10 lbs. Got pregnant again 9 months postpartum. Passed at 9 weeks, passed at 27 weeks. Lost 12 lbs. Got pregnant again 7 months postpartum. Passed at 9 weeks (barely), passed at 28 weeks. My family has a big history of type 2 diabetes. I had a few other risk factors (age - haha, I was 26 with my first baby and 25 is the cut off). I had assumed after my first pregnancy I would definitely have gd again so I ate TONS of sugar and crap with my second pregnancy and still passed it. So for me if I had it I failed, if I didn't I passed. Rambling, but in the end it didn't matter what I ate. Just do your normal. It's better to know and take precautions than not know and possibly have complications later.

    Also, my doctor told me what she thought would help to pass. Mine was a fasting 2 hour test. You had to fast 8+ hours, she said more than 12 hours fasting might alter the results a bit. So she told me to eat something with fat and protein about 9 hours before test (I ate a cheesestick at like 11pm for my test in the morning). Best of luck.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    We have the test at 28 weeks here. You fast for 12 hours, have a blood test, drink a vile glucose drink, wait for 2 hours, then have another blood test.

    I think if you're going to get gestational diabetes, then you will do regardless of what you eat.
  • TheNewoImproved
    TheNewoImproved Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks everyone for the feedback, it all makes good sense. I'll try to relax and just take the test :smile:
  • pineapplegift
    pineapplegift Posts: 3 Member

    Firstly, congratulations on the anticipated arrival of your little one - it's such an exciting (and periodically overwhelming) time.

    My little girl arrived in October last year and I did not change my diet at all for the GTT - and passed with no dramas. Helpfully I have a pretty good diet… but it's certainly not void of sugar and my complex carbohydrate intake definitely increased during my pregnancy.

    Our second little one is due in Jan 2015 and I have the GTT for this pregnancy in a few weeks time. The drink tastes okay to me but I did feel a little 'off' for the rest of the day - unsure if related or not to the test.

    Best of luck for your test and the remaining weeks,
