Gluten Free in France / Sans Gluten en France

I would like to know if someone are like me... Gluten free and in France.
Like that we could create a French team Gluten Free, and like that to share all advice or recomandation that we have...


je voulais savoir si dans le groupe Gluten free, il y avais des gens comme moi.. sans gluten et en France
Afin de pourquoi pas creer un groupe Sans Gluten Francais... et s'echanger des trucs et astuces...



  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I know this is a mixed countries group. Some of us are in Canada, others in the US and some in the UK and I think some others in one of the Scandinavian countries, possibly Australia as well. You are welcome to add a French flavour to this Board! It may also help if anyone plans to travel, they will know what to buy at grocery stores or what restaurants are good in the country they travel to.
    Have you been eating gluten free for a while or are you new at it? :flowerforyou:
  • I'm celliac since 3 years...not easy when you travel... I'm lucky I like to cook....

    The best european country is Italie...
    in Rome, Florence, It s easy to find some Gluten Free food.. and you can eat Pasta.. gluten Free pasta, but when you are in Italia.. it's important

    In France... we don't have gluten free restaurant..
    we have now in Paris (I'm leaving near Paris) 3 gluten free backer

  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Here is a website with gluten free chef cards in many languages to show the waiters & chef so they can cook for you at restaurants: A very useful thing if you travel.
    The restaurant may not be gluten free but a special meal can be made for you at almost any restaurant if you let them know how important it is for your health.

    That is good that you have 3 GF bakeries in Paris - I hope you live close to one. I am of Italian descent and travel to visit family in Northern Italy (near Venice) and we use more rice and polenta (cornmeal) than pasta anyhow so gluten free eating is not difficult there.
  • spinal77
    spinal77 Posts: 10 Member
    Bonjour Armelle!

    I'm preparing to spend about a week in Paris in October; have you actually been to NoGlu and Helmut Newcake? Do you know if they are any good? I'm staying in a flat for my stay and I think I'm going to have to cook quite a bit to survive.

    I read something about classical french sausages that made me frown; they are usually made with flour or another ingredient involving wheat? Is that true? I was looking forward to having that kind of thing. Thank god the cheese is safe!
  • Hello Spinal77

    I kown Helmut Newcake, and NoGlu.
    Take care, I will tru to find the open times of NoGlu, because they are not open every day

    NoGlu is near the 'grand Boulevard', one street for shopping... and near the 'Hard Rock Cofee'
    Helmut Newcake, is very good but not near Subway station.. :-(

    Another location is 'un dimanche à Paris' it's a 'salon de thé', you can eat some cookies/cake and drink a tea or chocolate.. the best of Paris..

    Concerning the French sausages, it depend.. mostly are with gluten..
    we can eat 'andouillette', it's without gluten, but even some french don't like.

    Hello Canadjineh

    My first trip in Italia was Venice...and I eated risotto and polenta as you said.
    but in Rome and Florence you can find many restaurant GF. In Florence I have eated my first GF Pizza;...!!! :-))))

    If you can, try to travel in this city...