I have PR on the brain today

lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
Background--I sprained my ankle 3 weeks ago (high ankle sprain)so the half I was supposed to do tomorrow is now the 5K that have to WALK. But for some reason, my mind and body are still in race day mode and all I can think about is getting a PR.

Since I can't get it out of my head, and I probably would not have PR'd the 5K course even if my ankle was healed...I am going to plan B. I am going to attempt a walking PR :) Don't judge me, I'm trying to make lemonade here...lol! The only time I have ever walked an entire 5K was about 9 years ago and I was in pretty good shape so I walked it in 45 minutes. So, it's still a challenging goal and I can still let my competetiveness rage on, even if my body is failing me right now.

Just thought I would share with someone. Hope you are all having a great day. Also if you think about it, send me some good vibes (and possibly some good common sense vibes--so I don't get caught up in the race and try to run since my ortho LAUGHED at me last week when I asked if I could run the 5K slowly.)



  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    Go for it! I actually think powerwalking is much harder than running (had to do it when rehabbing a sprained ankle last year).
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    I did it! 44:53 :) It was incredibly hard not to run but my ankle was bothering me and I didn't want to chance it. That's my slowest 5k time since I started running and one i am most proud of. You weren't kidding...walking fast without breaking into a run is challenging. I got a great leg workout today!!
  • jcct2014
    jcct2014 Posts: 31 Member
    Glad you are doing better. I haven't tried power walking. Will do so. Saturday is my next 5K. Looking forward to it! Baltimore hills here I come!