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Something fun?

Posts: 886 Member
Hey all! This group is getting so quiet lately, and it seems like any time there is discussion it is so focused on the bad things that are happening in our lives. Maybe let's just start a thread where we list something/anything positive, fun or funny that happened to us lately. Maybe? I hope this isn't a bad idea!
I'll start -- the other day when I was walking to the door of my apartment, my neighbor decided to come out and introduce himself to me. It was great, he was really sweet, the only thing was he wasn't wearing a shirt, and OMG abs. *drool* I wasn't sure whether I should look at his abs or his face to be perfectly honest (I'm starting to understand guys now :laugh:)
Anyone else?
I'll start -- the other day when I was walking to the door of my apartment, my neighbor decided to come out and introduce himself to me. It was great, he was really sweet, the only thing was he wasn't wearing a shirt, and OMG abs. *drool* I wasn't sure whether I should look at his abs or his face to be perfectly honest (I'm starting to understand guys now :laugh:)
Anyone else?
Hey Kate, I rather think your neighbour knew his abs would be droolworthy! :laugh: Question is: Is he single? :bigsmile:
I get cuddled by a young man at work every time I see him. He also calls me beautiful and compliments my work ......awww :blushing:
He's too young and in a relationship so this is nothing more than making my day :bigsmile:0 -
I work nights at a secure Naval base. 11pm-7am including weekends. Usually on weekends it's not very busy so I'll go outside for 30-45 mins to walk/jog about the base. There's tons of hills, stairs and even a field with a running track that I will go on. It's nice and helps my night at work to go by faster. A while ago I was out and about 1 Saturday night around 2am, jogging along when I saw in a dark corner next to a building a couple doing...um..."stuff".:devil: As I got closer, I saw a tall, thin guy, wearing a cowboy hat, run up a set of stairs while pulling up his pants. I then noticed girl in the shadows, wearing only panties while trying to pick up clothing in a concealed manner. I smiled and yelled out loud: "NO NEED TO STOP BECAUSE OF ME, I'M JUST PASSING THROUGH!" :laugh: The girl stayed hidden and I just passed through.0
I'm thankful that after several very difficult years things are going much better at work. Now I just need to find someone to share my life with.0
Best - Worst Date Story Ever -
So I met this guy on POF, we chatted up for a while and hit it off, so he was like "You want to grab some coffee" and of course I said "Yes". So we both drove up town and met at a coffee shop, again totally chatting away, having a good time. I had a slight headache but I assumed it was from earlier that day. I mean the chatting was really good, I still had butterflies from talking to him...or so I thought.....:devil:
As we were laughing and carrying on, I realized that it wasn't butterflies....it was the tummy bug that my daughter had shared with me....so of course I broke out into a sweat. He didn't realize anything. So as I'm talking all I can really think about his how to creatively get downstairs to the bathroom.
So he says "Do you want to go somewhere" (the coffee place was closing) and I'm like "Nah, it's kind of late, I'd better get back home" so we wandered down stairs and he says "I need to use the restroom before I leave" and I'm sweating thinking OMG no!!! I do.... but I knew there were two bathrooms down there. Low and behold, we get down there and one is out of order. Soooo.....him being the gentleman said "You go first" so I went in there thinking omg I can't drop a load here then have him come in and die from it" So I did nothing, flushed the toilet sounded like I washed my hands then exited.
He went, and then came back out and we talked and walked to the street. By this time I was dying. My stomach was cramping so bad, sweating, I'm sure I was white as a ghost, I could hardly take it but I was determined to end the night on a good note.
So we kind of said our good byes and hugged and parted ways.
And as he got in his car, (mine was across the way) it hit me. I was going to **** my pants. Right there. But I had to cross the road to get to my car. He was waiting on me to get in my car and start it and drive away like any gentleman would do. So....I carefully made my way across the road, and I waved at him and gave him the thumbs up so he'd go. And as I turned towards my car, I thought how am I going to lift my leg up to get in there?? All hell will break loose. WEll something would break loose. So I grabbed a walmart sack from the door of my car and placed it on the seat, so that if it did happen at least I'd have a barrier.
I think it was then that I realized I was going to **** my pants. As an adult this was going to happen.
So I ever so carefully got in the car and successfully sat down. Started the car and drove like a bat out of hell 10 miles home. Everything was closed, even the gas stations. He texted later that night and told me how he had a good time, and that we'd meet up again.
Yeah....that one didn't work out. Bwahahahaha. I hope someone gets a laugh out of that, and makes them feel better about thier dating adventures LOL0 -
Time line of my most current (and only) date from Tinder:
I give my friend my phone to play around with my Tinder account
She accidently likes a guy because she doesn't know how it works and thinks she is just swiping through pictures
There is a mutual match so she sends out a message saying Hi.
He notices we have a mutual friend, tinder lets you know if you have a mutual fb friend.
He messages me even though we have the mutual friend since the mutual friend has set him up with crazies in the past.
I respond even though we have the mutual friend, who is one guy I would never set up with a friend and mention that we have the friend in common.
We discuss how we know mutual friend.
He texts mutual friend about me and finds out "I am good peeps"
I get a text from mutual friend "So you are talking to my boy?"
I see the mutual friend the next morning and he is all about playing match maker.
I found out he has kids but still continue texting with him as it is hard to find someone my age without kids
Couple weeks go by where we text eachother every couple days and we set up a date.
Had the date on Monday and we both tell each other about how we were scared because of the mutual friend and I told him well "you were liked by accident".
Text him tuesday to thank him for the date and he says to thank my friend for liking him by accident.
He tells me that the mutual friend has texted him 5 times before he even got up to find out how the date went but was going to leave him hanging until after work.
I told him I should post "first dates, blah" on FB and see what the mutual friend does. He wanted me to but I didn't because I suck at jokes like that and give it away way to early.
And that is currently how everything stands.0 -
Time line of my most current (and only) date from Tinder:
I give my friend my phone to play around with my Tinder account
She accidently likes a guy because she doesn't know how it works and thinks she is just swiping through pictures
There is a mutual match so she sends out a message saying Hi.
He notices we have a mutual friend, tinder lets you know if you have a mutual fb friend.
He messages me even though we have the mutual friend since the mutual friend has set him up with crazies in the past.
I respond even though we have the mutual friend, who is one guy I would never set up with a friend and mention that we have the friend in common.
We discuss how we know mutual friend.
He texts mutual friend about me and finds out "I am good peeps"
I get a text from mutual friend "So you are talking to my boy?"
I see the mutual friend the next morning and he is all about playing match maker.
I found out he has kids but still continue texting with him as it is hard to find someone my age without kids
Couple weeks go by where we text eachother every couple days and we set up a date.
Had the date on Monday and we both tell each other about how we were scared because of the mutual friend and I told him well "you were liked by accident".
Text him tuesday to thank him for the date and he says to thank my friend for liking him by accident.
He tells me that the mutual friend has texted him 5 times before he even got up to find out how the date went but was going to leave him hanging until after work.
I told him I should post "first dates, blah" on FB and see what the mutual friend does. He wanted me to but I didn't because I suck at jokes like that and give it away way to early.
And that is currently how everything stands.
How exciting! Can't wait to hear more adventures.0 -
Ok. So I'm recently single-ISH. I separated from my husband a few months ago.
And here's the thing. My husband was my first real boyfriend, who I met when I was 20. It wasn't that I didn't go out with guys before. It was that I wasn't looking and so if I went out a few times and we didn't click...ah, so be it.
Fast forward 10 years later, and here I am, walking around under my 'recently single' cloak with little to no dating OR guy experience. By that, I mean I have trouble picking up on the non-verbal cues that tell you when someone is flirting with you.
I recently moved to a new town and have been going to a nice coffee shop nearby for the free wi-fi and cooler air. I strike up a conversation with a nice gentleman and he chats with me off and on while I play with my phone and read my Kindle. He mentions, since I'm new in town, there's this lovely spot across the way with an absolutely gorgeous view of the ocean and I have to see it.
I'm a bit skeptical, but hey, he wants to be my friend (yes, yes, you can begin your facepalm now but peek up a bit because it gets worse).
So what is this place? I ask. Like a restaurant? Dancing?
No, no, you have to see.
Ok then, we walk across the street to this place and as he starts to tell me about this location. I realize it's the bar or view aspects he was trying to tel me about but instead - that it's a hotel and he starts to make allusions to the fact that it's so much a night but worth it.
That is when my inner me does a faceplam.
He then tried to ply me with a $170 bottle of wine (which I refused - got water instead) and when he realized he wasn't going to get anywhere with me - he made excuses and we parted.
However, through our conversation I learn that he's been on a budget and trying to stay at places under $100 a night.
So as this recent foray into making friends, I'm choosing to appreciate that he would have been willing to pony up for a $500-$600/ night room and an expensive bottle of wine. I don't want to brag... but that's more than Julia Roberts. Just saying.
Sometimes... it's just:
[img]****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-
Crystal - you crack me up!! :laugh: :laugh: Shame it didnt work out as that would have been a good story to tell him on a drunk confessions night :laugh:
Ruth - do you have to tell the mutual friend on Tinder, or is that optional?0 -
OMG! these are GREAT!!!!
ok, so i went on this date with one guy, turns out he didn't have a car so i had to pick him up. it was after work, so you would figure he would take me to at least get appetizers or something, but noooooo! he wanted to go to a local park. I told him we had to go to publix (local supermarket) first so i could get a trail mix bar & water to get something in my system. before we got to the park, he had me drive to the package store so he could get some alcohol. smh... we get to the park & we walked & talked. ended the 'date' i drop him off. you won't BELIEVE what he tells me...
I Love You!!!
YUP!!! you read right!!! WTF?!?! needless to say the next day i told him it won't work out w/us.
a few weeks later a date w/another guy. turns out this guy didn't have a car either but i had noooo clue. i met him and he was dropped off. we met after work but he did take me to a place for appetizers. I got shrimp & water. he got beer - and LOTS of it. by the time we left he was sucking it out of a straw!!!! during our time there & when we were leaving (I had to drop him off) you won't BELIEVE what he told me... that's right...
not only that... he told me: I'll LOVE YOU til the day I die!
YUP!!! you read right - AGAIN!!!! WTF?!?!?! AGAIN!!!! yah... needless to say... I have blown this guy off. he's called and i've told him i'm busy - which is true... but he's stopped calling.
I guess I'm just a LOVABLE person... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:0 -
Hey Sweetcurlz - I think I
you!! :laugh: :laugh:
That's crazy. Or their only one liner to get laid?? I dunno, why would a guy say that after one date?? :noway:0 -
Ruth - do you have to tell the mutual friend on Tinder, or is that optional?
Tinder tells you if you have mutual friends or "likes" in common. It doesn't tell the mutual friend but in this case he checked with him to get the details on me.0 -
Hey Sweetcurlz - I think I
you!! :laugh: :laugh:
That's crazy. Or their only one liner to get laid?? I dunno, why would a guy say that after one date?? :noway:
You'd think - but neither one of them attempted the physical aspect. so it was really weird! CREEPY!!! LOL!0 -
Omg y'all are cracking me up! Sweetcurlz, I think I would just die if two guys in a row told me they loved me!! :noway:
Ruth -- any updates? This sounds like fun!!
I went to a bar on Sunday after my church job to watch the Patriots play. I was still in my cute dress and heels, and when I turned around to see if my friend was there yet I caught the guy behind me blatantly checking out my booty!! I wasn't sure whether I shouldor :blushing:
0 -
wow sweetcurlz, that is some kind of mojo you're working!!!0
Nothing dating-related. My fiancée's niece is almost 3 years old. She has been terrified of animals, especially cats and dogs. Over the last month or two the fear has eased up a little. It used to be that when she came over to our house, she wouldn't leave the kitchen until we put our cat away. If she saw the cat, she was paralyzed with fear. She would just tense up, not move and barely breathe. One time, she even peed on herself because the cat got out of fiancée's hands and ran to the kitchen to avoid being put in a room.
Last night I talked the future niece into sitting on one of my knees and petting the cat while I held it on my other knee. At first she would barely touch it, pull her hand back quickly and lean into my chest and arm for emotional support. Two hours later, her parents couldn't get her to leave because she wanted to pet the cat some more. The cat was now the one scared of the little girl because the niece was getting too excitable, jumping up and down in anticipation of petting the cat and running at the cat to pet it some more. The cat is 14 and likes the slow, steady and unsurprising nature in which J and I approach her. (mainly, we don't. We let the cat decide when she wants attention.) By the end of the night I was afraid the cat was going to start swatting at J's niece. I have a nephew who is just pure energy. When he was over, the cat couldn't handle him and started smacking him with its paw. If that had happened there is no telling how long until J's niece would have been comfortable with the cat again.0 -
I like this positive vibe
I decided to catch up with a old friend who hadnt seen me in 6 years, I always had a crush on her, but back then I wasnt very mature, weighed over 330lbs and basically, I darent even compliment a gal let alone go on dates I was just a geek who did crazy things to try and take attention away from my weight...... anyhow to cut the story short
were onto our 3rd date :-) the geeks getting the girl :P0 -
I like this positive vibe
I decided to catch up with a old friend who hadnt seen me in 6 years, I always had a crush on her, but back then I wasnt very mature, weighed over 330lbs and basically, I darent even compliment a gal let alone go on dates I was just a geek who did crazy things to try and take attention away from my weight...... anyhow to cut the story short
were onto our 3rd date :-) the geeks getting the girl :P
Yay good job!0 -
I like this positive vibe
I decided to catch up with a old friend who hadnt seen me in 6 years, I always had a crush on her, but back then I wasnt very mature, weighed over 330lbs and basically, I darent even compliment a gal let alone go on dates I was just a geek who did crazy things to try and take attention away from my weight...... anyhow to cut the story short
were onto our 3rd date :-) the geeks getting the girl :P
Awwwww!!!! :smooched:0 -
I like this positive vibe
I decided to catch up with a old friend who hadnt seen me in 6 years, I always had a crush on her, but back then I wasnt very mature, weighed over 330lbs and basically, I darent even compliment a gal let alone go on dates I was just a geek who did crazy things to try and take attention away from my weight...... anyhow to cut the story short
were onto our 3rd date :-) the geeks getting the girl :P
So exciting!!!
dbright -- that is such a sweet story!! I love cats, so I don't think anyone should be afraid of them. Glad she was able to overcome some of her fear
I have nothing dating related at the moment, but I have to say that lately my voice lessons have been going so well!! My teacher and I are making huge breakthroughs in my technique, and it is actually really interesting, because I am finding out that I have an entirely different voice than I thought I had!! I am just so freaking excited I can hardly stand it!!!0 -
Cheers ladies :-) its strange how life turns out, 4 months ago it was heart ache, now its all smiles with someone I've liked for a looooong time. she has poor choices in movies though haha0
This discussion has been closed.