my weight loss tracker isn't moving???

So I have lost a few lbs and went and updated my weight in weigh in but it doesn't update my tracker on my profile. It motivates me to be able to see it go down.. but it doesn't do anything. Do I need to re correct it and re upload it every time I loose??I figured it was automatic ...or am I missing something??


  • Janet72285
    Janet72285 Posts: 230 Member
    Hi there!

    Go to My Home
    Go to Check-in
    Go to Edit Previous Entries (small link below the other info)
    Delete your and past/ starting weights if they are lower than your current weight.

    Your starting weight should be the highest.

    This was the problem I was having.
    Good luck!
  • Liv2LovemyBody
    Liv2LovemyBody Posts: 70 Member
    Okay thank you I will try this ;)
  • tropic80girl
    tropic80girl Posts: 50 Member
    So I just went to do this because I was having the same problem.. sad revelation.. it is posting from my FIRST round on MFP in 2009... It shows where I start at 225 then, then I lost a bunch of weight, started back on MFP at 280 in 2012 and going down.. so it thinks I've gained... because I have (but I lost in between that darn it! I just had another kid!). Back to the journey!