Sept 17, 2014

I was not here yesterday because I was in hospital. I had a severe attack of vertigo so bad I would have called 911, but my husband took me to the hospital crying and clutching a big bucket, I must have looked terrible and I didn't give a damn! I have had it before but never vomited with it and it has always passed if I stay in bed and keep my head still. Not this time.

I have to follow up with my Doctor to see if they can pinpoint the cause. I know vomiting is bad with the band so I was also re-thinking that. I don't think it will stop me doing it but I hope I don't have another episode like that and have the band slip.

Talk about anything please.. just talk.


  • I am so sorry to hear about your bout with vertigo. I too, suffer with inner ear problems and vertigo is one of those things that just happen when I least expect, and can ruin any good time. I wish you luck in finding a solution to it and hope your doctor can find something to ease your spinning lol.
    I am new here, and this is my first post ever. I also had to respond to your post because I too just got out of the hospital. I had a heart attack last week and was told of this site by the nutritionist at the hospital. I need to change my life or I wont have a life to change. I have always been the care taker, problem solver, and go to person for everyone and now I need help. I dont have a support system so I am here asking for help, encouragement, accountability, and hope that I can make these needed changes for my life. Thanks so much for your help
  • justme1002
    justme1002 Posts: 13 Member
    Good morning and so glad you are back home. I'm sorry that you were feeling so poorly yesterday but glad you went to the hospital to be checked out. I sure hope they can determine the cause so you can prevent further episodes. I will keep positive thoughts and prayers for you and hope you have a calm, uneventful day. I hope everyone enjoys a beautiful day and I challenge everyone to do an extra 10 minutes of exercise today in honor of Julie who does such a great job moderating our message board!
  • justme1002
    justme1002 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello and welcome! I'm glad you are doing better and that you are here with us. You will find lots of support and encouragement from wonderful people. We're in this together- one step at a time.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Wow. Just wow. Sending out a round of extremely positive thoughts for any one in need. Giant cyber hugs and healing energies too, if you want them...

    I hope everyone makes a full recovery and makes the progress they desperately desire, need, and deserve.

    As for vertigo/inner ear/balance problems. I always got car sick as a kid and teen, so my mom always said I had inner ear problems. Fast forward to adulthood, and the issues have now progressed enough that my ears pop constantly (related to allergies and faulty internal pressurizing sensors) and that if I close my eyes, I feel like a drunken sailor on land for the first time in years. I sway and weave and bob - or feel like I do.

    So, I went the whole round of testing (shooting water at your eardrum to simulate vertigo and balance test, the works!) and guess what? I do not have an inner ear imbalance. They called it something like benign positional vertigo - or motion related horizontal vertigo. Which oddly enough resolved itself mostly. Then, after passing the balance testing with flying colors, they said that it isn't that at all...

    Layperson's description - if you don't know, you balance is determine by sensory data from your feet, eyes, ears - and is interpreted by your brain. Well, my feet, eyes, and ears all send the data in, but my brain, well, doesn't understand it exactly. The doctor likened it to using different versions of software - it mostly works, but some of the special features don't translate from version to version.

    So, long and short of it, y'all, is that my doctor called me brain damaged. Because I feel like I'm moving even when standing still if my eyes are closed. To compensate, I do start moving as an attempt to "counterbalance" something that doesn't exist outside of my mind, so yeah, it's awesome. Luckily it doesn't happen much anymore, but thought that might brighten someone's day.

    HUGS again to ALLL!!!!

    Carly in sleep-deprived Oklahoma, who is so out of sync she forgot meds that are making her....weird...not really more weird than normal, just take advantage of it while it lasts, kids... ;)
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Big hugs to you Julie. I do hope that your Doc can pin point the reason for you soon.

    I have decided to go see the bariatric surgeon. Actually decided a few weeks ago and today is the day for my appointment. I'm so nervous. I feel like I am dying a slow death... or better yet, watching me die a slow death from the sidelines. I feel like I am not in control any longer so I am reaching out to the bariatric team in Delaware for assistance. Here's hoping and praying everything goes well for me today.

    Cari from DE
  • wennim
    wennim Posts: 276 Member
    So sorry to hear about everyone's health issues.

    My time is stretched so thin these days I am having a hard time coping with it. We were volunteered to provide the team dinner for the football team on Thursday. Three football games this week, one kid home sick yesterday, trying to figure out how much food is needed for 60 teen boys, cooking the food...this on top of the usual everyday practices and schedules. I am so tired. My son hurt his knee on Monday so he isn't doing his usual chores. I haven't had time to get on my bike since Sunday.

    I am managing to get in my hour or so of treadmill time and it helps some. Kind of sad but I don't feel human unless I get in some sort of activity. I really need a break. I find myself staying up way too late to try to get in some relaxation by reading but then I am dead tired the next day. Six more weeks until football winds down...not sure I will make it.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Wennim - sorry, I don't remember your first name - try downloading meditation music free apps for your phone. I always get stuck in that "need to relax loop." I like to read, but I get caught up. So I downloaded a few apps, and I found the one I like the best (it has drums and wind instruments, and seaside background), and I go lay in bed, set it on its 30 minute timer, and let it lull me to stress free sleep. If it would help, you can let it run all night or whatever, but I just need that bit to transition from crazy-running-constantly-life to AHHHH...sleep.... Hope this helps!
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    So many in need. Thank you to all for the wonderful thoughts.. I really appreciate it. Welcome to blueberi our newbie, I am so sorry about your heart attack but here you are, and you are right, you have to make a change, in whatever direction that is.. but we are here.

    Cari? How did it go? I am thrilled for you.

    Knit.. yuck.. horrible.. I am glad it doesn't plague you much.. omg I NEVER want to go through that again, but have a horrid feeling I will sometime. At least now it should be armed with meds which is MUCH better.

    You all rock so each in your own ways.. and you can make your life better.. it's in the palm of your own hand and amongst friends.. I promise.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    That sounds scary, I had some vertigo problems last year, one lasted 4 hours where i just laid perfectly still on my back until it finally went, that was the worst, another one I fainted while in a shop and went to hospital to get checked out after that but no explanation was found. Best guess is is was due to a medication that i was taking (citalopram). I stopped taking it after that. I am prone to dizzy spells but only last a few minutes usually, I am convinced the medication i was on for depression made caused the full on vertigo attacks in my case. I get tinnitus which started many years ago while taking Prozac and was severe for two years and then intermittent since then, stress tends to set it off. My whole system is hypersensitive to stress and medications. I would imagine it would be down to inner ear issues of some sort. I hope it can be resolved for you.

    I have not been around much either for several days as another family crisis is unfolding, not down to me but having to be involved as is in close family member going through a marriage break up with child and mortgage involved.

    Hello to Blueberrymuffin. That is definitely some strong motivation you have going on there. You can do this, time to look after you now.