any loss so far???

Just had my first weigh in since I joined the group and lost 4 pounds!!! 16 to go!!


  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    As of last Friday I am half way there!!! 10 lbs down. I weigh-in weekly but only post the monthly dates for the challenge. Super excited that I might lose more then the 20 lbs but I know it will be harder closer to christmas
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    As of today I am 15 down! Woohoo and very excited! I just plan to keep doing what I'm doing and getting results!
  • Val8less
    Val8less Posts: 107 Member
    Don't know yet...I'm gonna do my first weigh in this Sat....I'm so Excited!
  • Mommaspoon1
    Mommaspoon1 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm down 15 since I started on 14th August. Actually hoping to hit at least 30 by 10th Dec when I am heading to NY on a shopping trip. Hoping to treat myself to a new wardrobe then. The thought of that is really keeping me motivated.
  • ChayaLeigh
    ChayaLeigh Posts: 15 Member
    I've lost 6.5 lbs since joining!
  • mazzzery
    mazzzery Posts: 13 Member
    I check everyday, even when i wasn't on a healthy regime, to make sure i wasn't gaining too much, as of yet, i'm stable, properly because i keep forgetting to weigh in the mornings. and it's too soon to tell. fingers crossed for the monthly weigh in, i'll have lost a few pounds. I really need too!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    -.7 lb but I've been having problems with being super hungry lately...having a hard time sticking to my allotted calories.

    This week has been pretty decent so I'm hoping to see a pound or so come off in my next weighin (my morning checkins seem to be on a downward trend overall...)
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    WOW!!! Congratulations to everyone!!!!