OKTOBERFEST- My first competition!

WODS were posted today, my first competition ever (scaled).

WOD1: "Oly Fun Time"
7 min to establish a 1RM complex of power clean, hang power clean

WOD2: "Triple Threat"
10 min to complete:
500m row –then-
30-20-10 Push press (95/65)
15-10-5 Jumping Pullups
30-20-10 KBS (35/26)
*Each rep not completed in the time cap will add 1 second to your score.

WOD3: "Wall Ball Hoagie"
150 singles
10 dead lifts(135/95)
25 STOH (95/65)
50 wall balls (14/10)
25 STOH (95/65)
10 dead lifts (135/95)
150 singles
FLOATER: “The twins”
5 burpees
5 GTOH with plate (45/25)

The competition is on October 4th so I have a few weeks to work on some of my goats (push press, wall balls). If anyone has any words of advice/encouragement I'd love to hear it! I was thinking of getting a personal training session with one of my coaches to just go over the moves and stuff. Also, I'm new here so feel free to add me, I could use more CF friends. :)


  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Congrats! This sounds really fun.

    Eat more carbs than usual the night before, sleep well, and hydrate a lot.

    Bring bananas, recovery drinks, foam roller, etc.

    Pick out a song list to pump you up.

    If you have an issue with wall balls, pick out a rep scheme before you start. In my first comp, I completely blew the wall ball portion. I didn't realize how much of a problem I had with not hitting the wall until they were being judged. I had to do almost double because I got no repped so badly. Then I tried to do too many in a row and would miss my target even more because I was tired and frazzled. Definitely have your coach check them out before you have your comp. That was the first event for me in my first comp. I developed a horrible Fran cough. If you have bad event early on, let it go emotionally.

    Set a goal for where you want to place in at least one of the events that is your best.

    Make sure to warm up before each heat.

    Remember that in a comp, a lot of winning or placing is just how much more physical discomfort you are willing to endure than your opponents. If your opponent isn't breaking, sometimes you can psych them out by letting them break reps first. You don't say how long the AMRAPs are, but if they are short, just go all out if you feel like you're physically capable of doing so. Sometimes there will be people in your box who are way better than you at long WODs, but if you develop the ability to go all-out for short periods of time, you can often kill it in a competition! Just think things like "I can do do anything for 7 minutes" or whatever the times are...

    Never stop on burpees. Just do them slower if you have to and use them as a recovery.

    On the push press, make sure you have a good position to be able to use your hip drive to get the bar over your head so you don't wear out your shoulders.

    Good luck and have fun. It sounds like super fun WODs. I would love to do this one!
  • amy_elise1
    amy_elise1 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks Kelly! These are all very helpful tips. I never thought about psyching out my competitors. This could be very useful! haha
  • wrestlesportz
    kick *kitten*!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    WODS were posted today, my first competition ever (scaled).

    WOD1: "Oly Fun Time"
    7 min to establish a 1RM complex of power clean, hang power clean

    WOD2: "Triple Threat"
    10 min to complete:
    500m row –then-
    30-20-10 Push press (95/65)
    15-10-5 Jumping Pullups
    30-20-10 KBS (35/26)
    *Each rep not completed in the time cap will add 1 second to your score.

    WOD3: "Wall Ball Hoagie"
    150 singles
    10 dead lifts(135/95)
    25 STOH (95/65)
    50 wall balls (14/10)
    25 STOH (95/65)
    10 dead lifts (135/95)
    150 singles
    FLOATER: “The twins”
    AMRAP 2
    5 burpees
    5 GTOH with plate (45/25)

    The competition is on October 4th so I have a few weeks to work on some of my goats (push press, wall balls). If anyone has any words of advice/encouragement I'd love to hear it! I was thinking of getting a personal training session with one of my coaches to just go over the moves and stuff. Also, I'm new here so feel free to add me, I could use more CF friends. :)

    This looks fun. Is it a team competition or individual?
  • amy_elise1
    amy_elise1 Posts: 11 Member
    Individual. I can't stand the pressure of a team WOD let alone a team competition :P

    I should mention it's at my home box (SOBO) if anyone around Massachusetts has any interest :)
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Some of your folks were at the Crossfit 2A competition in Acton I did on the 7th. Maybe even on the podium? Can't remember exactly.

    I competed 3 times this year, I think I'm going to hold off until next year and see if I can make some real improvements and get myself out of the basement :)