Oct Moms having any contractions??

Hi ladies!

Wow, I've been have contractions/ BH like crazy!! Yesterday was the worst though. I was in the grocery store and started feeling strong sharp pains in my pubic bone area. It was so bad it hurt to walk and I was crying. I looked like a hot mess trying to get to the checkout!! I had to call my DH to come home. The feeling was like someone was hitting me with a hammer in my pelvis/ pubic bone. I did have a Dr. appointment yesterday and baby was transverse. :( also she checked me and Im not dilated, but she said baby is really low and that I was starting to open up. Not sure what that means.. anyone else having these pains? Is this normal? Im on my 4th child and have NEVER felt like I did yesterday.


  • I have been having similar sounding pains...I've heard it called "lightening crotch" and I get why! It is such a sharp sudden pain for me! I'm 36 w tomorrow, and actually having a normal feeling contraction as I type this. Ow!
  • justinskitty
    justinskitty Posts: 47 Member
    I'm a 11/11 mommy but this is #2 for me and i have had bh for about a month. They were annoying but nothing painful. Well Sunday he flipped and dropped so his head is now in my pelvic bone and when I have anything in my bladder I start getting strong painful contractions. They huuurrrrrt. Not like labor hurts though so I'm not worried just pained. I will say I'm happy this will be our last kid because I would not want to do this more than twice lol. I've had one ugly pregnancy and one normal one. Even the normal one hasn't made me change my mind about being done.