Sept 19th

Morning everyone - or afternoon from California,

Just having a lazy start to the day.

I just wanted to let people know that a number of members from this group have started a Christmas Challenge over on the Mobo Moto thread if anyone is interested in joining ( Nancy has donated a generous prize for the winner. The challenge runs through Sep 19th - December 19th. It's based on both your weight loss goal for December 19th and how well you stick to your daily calorie and exercise routine.

Almost everyone taking part is also a member of this groups so I wanted to let people know if they were interested.

Any who, back to our regularly schedule message.

I'm trying to decide if I will do a long bike ride tomorrow. I'm thinking of a 60mile ride from Richmond BART station to Fremont BART taking the bay trail which runs all along the waterfront. I'm just not certain my legs are up for it, plus theirs no chocolate milk in the fridge for when I get back :).

SO what are all you up to for this weekend.


  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    Good luck on that 60 mile ride! Just reading the description of the ride sounds beautiful. This weekend I am looking forward to playing some tennis with my friends and Saturday night we will be going up to some hot springs. It is a little run down, but a whole lot of fun. They have a lot of different pools and several slides you can try your luck on. We don't consider it a successful trip until the slides have made someone bleed (always minor scrapes). They also have a pool with a basketball hoop so we can play water basketball, also known as the best type of basketball (regular basketball is fun as well). Hopefully you all have a wonderful weekend full of good choices and nice weight loss.

  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hey there ladies and gents.... I am going to a BBW bash in NJ hosted by BBWXlence for the weekend. Get to see old friends and make some new. There's a pool party this evening and a dance tomorrow evening and hanging with great people during the day.

    It may seem a bit odd that since I am trying hard to lose weight (and am hopefully having bariatric surgery in January) that I attend BBW events..... reason behind it... they promote self and size acceptance.. teaching you to love yourself regardless of size... which as many of us know is very hard to do.

    So for this reason, I attend a few of the BBW events per year. Great friends, great times, awesome self confidence for a couple of weeks following.

    Cari from DE
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    I'm going to celebrate my belated birthday with my boyfriend and mother this weekend. We are going out to dinner to one of my favorite restaurants. I've given myself permission to enjoy my meal even if it puts me over my calories for the day.

    We will be together for the weekend, so I'm not sure what else we will do. I"m going to try to sneak in my exercise as I can.
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Hmm link doesn't work for me. But good luck with that to any who join. I am not having a good week at all, after a string of so so weeks. Saw my dad last weekend for the first time in 12 years, he came to Montreal for a weekend to see me, meet Dean and my DH for the first time. It went very well, Dean and Dad instantly adored each other, but it brought up memories of mum, when we came back I was bit depressed and made bad food choices, then I got a cold and fever and made some more bad choices, now I have a nasty cough and just made some more. Havent had a bad week like this for a long time. Lots of junk. No exercise. Gotta try and get myself out of feeling low, over this cold, and try and remember why I am bothering.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Hmm not sure whats going on or why the link isn;t working. Anyone interested just let me know and I will send an invite. Or try this link
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Hi Pat, after a couple of days of umming and ahhing I think it might cause some ill feelings if I joined that challenge but good luck and what a great prize!! Very generous donation. I might play along from home just to use it to re-motivate me :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Patrick, I tried that link and searching on the variations of the group's name, and apparently I'm blocked, mental, or just can't find it. I was just going to look at the challenge, and I'm not certain about participating, as I've struggled so much lately, but I do appreciate the info.

    Hugs, Carly