Any of you lovely ladies experiencing horrible heartburn?

It has been apocalyptic...
I would say that might be an exaggeration, but I've been awake since around 3 something this morning with heartburn :explode:
I've just begun week 27, some sites marking this as the start of the third trimester, but who's counting...

In any case, tums, milk, and repeatedly brushing my teeth haven't helped me much. Any fool proof remedies you can tell me are more than appreciated.

Just as a side note, for some reason my heartburn occurs when I'm hungry, not after eating. I'm not sure why but the pain makes it incredibly difficult to eat and I generally become nauseous, occasionally throwing up from it (sorry, TMI).

Thank you in advance for any suggestions.


  • TheNewoImproved
    TheNewoImproved Posts: 72 Member
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I get it, too, but its usually after I've eaten. I've found whole wheat to be a bad trigger, as well as most baked goods. I've been trying to eat a lot of yogurt and kefir and that seems to help. Also, staying hydrated b/c once I have heart burn, its so hard to drink water. I had fried chinese food for the first time in forever yesterday and woke up with the WORST heart burn around 4am. I had to take a tums and sit up in bed for an hour reading before it subsided enough to sleep again.

    I guess finding out what triggers it is the best way to try to control it. Eating smaller portions, staying hydrated, good probiotics, etc. I"ve heard apple cider vinegar works, too, as the good acid neutralizes the bad. I have a cucumber salad with balsamic vinegar every day and that seems to help, too.

    I suffered the worst with heart burn when I was eating lots of bready carbs, eating too much at once, and not being hydrated. Drinking a glass of kefir before bed had been working, too. I didn't have any last night and maybe thats another reason why I ended up with such bad heart burn.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    I think the only way to "manage" (not cure, alas) it is through experimentation. Someone told me to do the apple cider vinegar remedy, and the severe heartburn attack from that left me wheezing, unable to breathe, and thinking I would have to go to the ER. It was over a year before I could even stand the smell of ACV again. What I found (maybe?) worked for me was aloe vera juice. I took a tablespoon here and there throughout the course of the day. I say "maybe" because I wasn't sure if it was actually working, but I was afraid to stop because what if it was and then things would just get worse...The heartburn did seem milder when I drank that.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Not getting it badly yet but I've noticed in the last few days that it is there more than before. Seems to be particularly triggered for me by orange juice - which is a kicker as I really like the stuff! At the moment I'm finding that drinking more water seems to be helping it and I'm going to have a juice free day and see what happens.
  • TheNewoImproved
    TheNewoImproved Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I've heard the apple cider trick too, but I'll admit I'm a little apprehensive to try it...

    Cucumbers and balsamic vinegar actually sounds like a delicious snack so I won't mind giving that a try lol.

    The aloe vera juice and kefir both are great ideas, I'll have to hit the grocery store to pick some up.

    Janetay, I hope that you find some relief!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I had it pretty bad a few times in my first trimester. I tried tums, but it didn't really work.

    Try eating an apple. Usually this helps, or at least lessens it. Basically, as a concept, anything that will make you burp should help relieve your heartburn.