September 19th Weigh In

So I guess I'm the first person, huh?

SW: 206
Last Weeks Weight: 193.6
CW: 190.0

Um... what the what? I'm insanely happy but I feel like either I legitimately lose weight in two or three week spurts or I weighed with my clothes on last week (college student) and maybe I could have been feeling this happy all along! This is so close to my last remembered weight when I was in high school, which is high for a lot of people, but because I aiming for legit middle school weights because that's whats healthy I'm so stoked!


  • mommahix
    mommahix Posts: 189 Member
    LW: 152.6
    CW: 152.6

    Christmas GW: 140
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    SW 282
    LW 268.2

    3 lbs lost this week!

    Christmas GW 242
  • OldSportOldsport
    OldSportOldsport Posts: 275 Member
    Everyone is going great guns!

    LW: 162

    CW: 159.5 (and that was with clothes on! So hopefully next week when it's back to no-clothes weigh ins there'll be a loss as well)
  • Frayde
    Frayde Posts: 321 Member
    9/12: 192.?
    9/19: 190.2

    2 point something lb. loss. I'll take it! Seems like I don't lose for weeks, then bam, two or three lbs at once. I now weigh what I weighed when I got pregnant with my eldest. He will be 31 in two months. I'm a lot flabbier than I was 31 years ago though. And I can't take three flights of stairs two at a time either, like I could up until I got pregnant with him. But one thing at a time. Making good progress!

    Have a terrific week everyone!
  • terriejones
    terriejones Posts: 518 Member
    CSW: 133
    CGW: 125

    8/4: 133
    8/5: 132 (-1)
    8/15: 132 (0)
    8/22: 132 (0)
    8/22: 132 (0)
    8/29: 132 (0)

    9/5: 132 (0)
    9/12: 132 (0)
    9/13: 132 (0)

    Trying to add in some exercise this week. Still having some issues from my bowel resection, I'm not sure when my body will decide to give up the weight. Keep up the good work everybody!!!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Gained 2 lbs on trip eating out...will do better next week.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    Challenge SW: 219
    Christmas GW: 191
    Last week: 206
    CW: 204.5

    Well I am now officially more than 50% to my Christmas challenge goal weight! Yay!!

    Today I had a physical. I stepped on the scale in the doc's office and it reported the same as my home scale, but with clothing on. I blurted out, "oooh, I should get naked and see what it says!"
    The nurse laughed. Oopsies.
    FYI- after they all left the room, I did anyway. A full 1.5 lbs lighter without clothing. Lol.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Well, I can't binge on frozen yogurt and expect to lose weight!! And I do mean binge - not just one serving. :mad:

    Challenge SW = 251
    Challenge S BMI= 39.3
    Challenge GW = 222
    Challenge G BMI= 34.8
    Challenge loss = 9.8
    8/8/14 = 247.2 = 3.8
    8/15/14 = 251 = 0
    8/21/14 = 246.2 = 4.8
    8/28/14 = 243.4 = 2.8
    9/8/14 = 241.6 = 1.8
    9/14/14 = 238.8 = 2.8
    9/22/14 = 241.2 = -2.4 That is a gain :embarassed:

    Onward and downward
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I am still struggling with weekends, too much time for grazing. I do fine during the week--adds up to no loss, no gain. :grumble:
  • myepsen
    myepsen Posts: 1,794 Member
    It was my bday week so I whooped it up and the scale reflected that. Restart 9/22!