5 days post op and I'm still in pain ...

Where has all my oxycodon gone? I have about 8 more pills and still in a lot of pain 5 days post op. My health nurse told me it would take about 5 days of pain and then it should be all gone, not true. Ugh. Is this normal? Anyone? It seems that my nausea has subsided but my stomach still feels funky.

I seem to be able to get my 3 boxes of protein down each day plus some other liquids. Am I doing good or going too fast? Ai yi yi ... cannot wait to be "normal" again ... ouch ouch ouch ....


  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    What kind of pain? At your incision sites? Your actual stomach? Muscle pain from where they cut? At five days out, I was off of all pain meds and the only real pain I had was in my muscles, trying to get up and down, bend over, etc. If you are still having pain at your incisions or your actual stomach, I would call your doctor.
  • Jaye1120
    Jaye1120 Posts: 26
    I guess it would be muscle pain when I try getting up etc. Otherwise I am fine laying down.
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    Then I think that's normal. Make sure you are getting up carefully. I had to roll to my side and then get up to avoid pain. Also, sleeping with a pillow hugged against your abdomen will also help. I had my surgery on a Tuesday and went back to teaching on Monday (so 6 days). I wrapped my abdomen in a big ace bandage to reduce the muscle pain while driving. I think the muscle pain got a lot better after two weeks. I hope you feel better soon. I am almost 5 weeks and I mostly feel pretty normal.
  • MelanieWilliams3
    I was in enough pain to need pain meds for about a week. I had to call my dr to call me in a refill! And I'm not one to take pain meds much to begin with. I talked to my dr and he said it was perfectly fine. Some people are fine after just a couple of days, and we are just the unlucky one's whose bodies don't quite bounce back as quick. Just take it easy, it will get better! :)