Whose pics give you the most motivation?

leericle Posts: 71 Member
Members of the same gender or members of the opposite?

Or should we just make jokes about "members" now...


  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    I always thought jackpotclown has this really bad boy look in his pic. Dude is ripped
  • Rpmmachine
    Rpmmachine Posts: 25 Member
    Both genders can motivate me. If I see same gender that is something I may want to work towards that will motivate me.

    I like seeing a woman working hard to look good and be healthy. Besides it being a turn on from a physical standpoint, I think it says a lot about the person when they want to take care of their body.
  • nickylee76
    nickylee76 Posts: 629 Member
    I think I can gain motivation from both..... when I see women's bodies I can have something to strive for or want to achieve..... When you see a man with an attractive body it is almost as if you want to look as if you are working hard and not staring so is that motivated.......Honestly men's bodies probably just make me lose concentration more....so I am not sure it is as motivating....
  • Silentfool
    Silentfool Posts: 189 Member
    Definitely both, otherwise you half your source of motivation.

    I get it where I can....... motivation that is lol
  • glynneybug93
    glynneybug93 Posts: 17 Member
    I LOVE to see both. Sometimes for motivation, normally to perv on. Beware of me- I'm a pervert and I WILL perv on YOU!!!