Day 3: Thursday, 9/25/14



  • DsSquishy
    DsSquishy Posts: 14 Member
    My goals for today are to start the 30 day shred, stay under the calorie goal and to drink 10 glasses of water today. I find the blanket 8 isn't enough for me, and I feel much better if I drink more!
  • LisasRoadtolosing100lbs

    Day 3 -
    ~ day four of my triple 100 challenge
    ~ if the rain lets up my evening beach training for my c25k - it helps take the pressure off my hip
    ~ blood sugar at dinner time should be under 140 - just starting my battle with the blood sugar levels
    ~ eat veggies at all meals!
  • 2CABetterMe
    2CABetterMe Posts: 119 Member
    Day 3 and I'm feeling good! My goals for today:
    1. Get in 30 minutes of exercise - did 60
    2. Get in 8 glasses/5 bottles (16.9 oz) of water
    3. Stay within my calorie range.

    The suggestion was made that I change my activity level from sedentary to active since I'm starting to exercise. I think I'll leave it where it is for now and once I am exercising consistently then modify it.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    Options 2 was a breeze food wise as I was feeling pretty sick all day. Didn't get any exercise in but that's ok on a sick day.

    Today I'm still feeling a bit under the weather but definitely better. I did have a good healthy breakfast but just need to get rid of the headache!

    Today: Toning down just a little bit: walking 4 - 5 miles
    Don't go over on calories

    And that's it as I don't want to push it. This weekend is supposed to be lovely and I want to have the energy for a super long bike ride somewhere different :smile:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Love seeing what everyone is up to - very motivating!!
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Goals for today:
    Pilates before work - done
    spin class
    boot camp
    measure and log all food
    need to increase water.

    didn't make that yesterday
  • ketowerdefense
    ketowerdefense Posts: 397 Member
    Hit all three of my goals yesterday! Today's are toned down because I feel like a bag of crap.

    - go to the gym at lunch, even for just a little bit, even if I feel like a bag of crap
    - 12 glasses of water before I leave the office (usually I aim for 16, but, again, bag of crap)
    - no snacking after dinner
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    Goals today:
    Water intake to 60oz or more
    Track/log all my food
    Get a walk in this evening - at least a mile

    Excited for this challenge and to see so many active!!
  • knmurray02
    knmurray02 Posts: 32 Member
    While I stayed under my calorie goal for the day, I did not eat balanced healthy meals. That was mainly because my day did pan out as planned and I was left without my packed lunch. Thanks to the motivation I get here (thanks everyone) I did meet my exercise goal even when I didn't feel like moving.

    Today's goals are to stay under my calories while eating balanced meals, 45 minutes of moderate exercise (doing the stair challenge again), and drinking more water.

    I can say that I am truly surprised at the amount of motivation I get from this challenge. I want to be able to report I met my daily goals. Keep up the good work everyone.
  • dbrownie68
    Hi... I have some catching up to do. I've been crazy busy the last couple of days. But, my goal for today is to drink 64 oz. water, stay under calorie goal, and weight training.
  • cmeride
    cmeride Posts: 56 Member
    I have been excercising since Sept 1st, but really avoided my rowing machine because it's hard and it burns within the 1st minute. My goal for today was to get on it and row to the best of my ability. I stuck it out for 10 minutes but paused a lot along the way.
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    I've been ill with a nasty cold since Monday pm, so my focus is on getting through and out the other side of this thing! No problem staying under calories, since I don't have much of an appetite. The most exercise I've gotten is to shell the dry cannellini beans I pulled out of the garden on Monday! But tomorrow....Pickleball!! Maybe not my usual 2 hours, but I'm hoping to feel well enough to get out on the court!

    It's nice to be part of such a large community of health enthusiasts! If you haven't read GrandmaJackie's motivational poem, it's worth the read, IMHO! (Bottom line: don't quit!) Wishing all a great day of hitting your goals!
  • believefsc
    believefsc Posts: 49 Member
    Day 3 and feeling great.

    I started exercising, for the first time in a year, on Tuesday. It wasn't much and it wasn't pretty, but it got the heart rate up and I was sweating (from exercise instead of a hot flash)!

    I'm within my calories and my macros were perfect yesterday.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Met my always goals yesterday (calories and steps), didn't end up cycling.

    I have a family gathering tonight that includes a birthday party. Already been warned that it will be pizza and cake. I'm planning on joining in the festivities, but want to stay within my maintenance calories or under.

    Today's goals:
    1. Stay within calories (always, but I'll give myself up to maintenance tonight if needed)
    2. 10,000 steps (always)
    3. No alcohol at family gathering (although it'll make them think I'm pregnant because that's always their conclusion)
  • sweetpea2820
    sweetpea2820 Posts: 181 Member
    Goals today; stay within calorie count, drink my 3.5L water, cardio 2 x 1/2
    I start school on Monday so have been doing fall clean up around house and yard so will do more today.:smile:
    have a great day everyone
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member

    I wanted to share before I head to bed!

    Motovational poem for weight loss
    Don't Quit
    hor Paul DeVora

    Thank you for posting this....loved reading it!!

    Met my caloric goals and did my 10,000 steps today. I am good to go! Will try to ramp up the exercising tomorrow a bit!
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Goals for day 3
    1 Drink 8 cups of H20
    2. No Junk food!
    3. Stay under Calorie and Fat count.
    4 Pay my bills ( always causes stress and overeating)
  • libbeth_6212
    libbeth_6212 Posts: 28 Member
    Day Two was a good day! Despite the craziness of our schedules I logged everything, stayed under my calories, drank all my water, and got in my 10,000 steps (despite the Mid-Atlantic rain we're still getting!).

    My goals today are the same - logging, water, 10K steps and smart food choices. I've found that I absolutely have to plan in advance - no planning for me means poor choices in the moment. Grilled chicken and sweet potatoes for dinner tonight have already been logged.

    My 10K steps today will be tough - I'm working from home (I don't have our sprawling corporate campus to walk through to up my steps), it's raining (soccer practice cancelled so can't do laps around the field), and my husband is out of town so once the baby is in bed I'm stuck inside (the dog and I are both pouting about this - we love our evening walks!). Despite all of these potential excuses I'm determined to get my steps in.

    Have a great Day Three, everyone! Keep up the good work!
  • libbeth_6212
    libbeth_6212 Posts: 28 Member
    Yesterday was a good day. I met all my goals and ended up walking 13,000 steps which is 3000 over.

    Today my goals are:
    Drink 5 large glasses of water while at work
    Stay under my sodium
    Get in 5000 steps while at work
    Hit 10000 steps for the day

    It's so smart to get 5K steps in before you leave work - that's always one of my struggles...if I get home from work and am facing 7K more steps to hit 10, it's hard. (Dinner, homework, kids to bed, etc etc...)

    I'm totally adopting your 5K@work goal - Thanks for the idea!
  • nnylacire13
    nnylacire13 Posts: 26 Member
    Grandma Jackie - Thanks for sharing the poem!

    I'm still on track. Met my goals again yesterday. Today's goals are similar: log my food intake, meet my caloric goal, and I plan to get a swim in as often as I can before the weather changes and I can't any longer. :)
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Met my always goals yesterday (calories and steps), didn't end up cycling.

    I have a family gathering tonight that includes a birthday party. Already been warned that it will be pizza and cake. I'm planning on joining in the festivities, but want to stay within my maintenance calories or under.

    Today's goals:
    1. Stay within calories (always, but I'll give myself up to maintenance tonight if needed)
    2. 10,000 steps (always)
    3. No alcohol at family gathering (although it'll make them think I'm pregnant because that's always their conclusion)

    Quoting myself because I can't edit my post.

    My fitbit is acting up and isn't tracking steps. I'm going to try to be as active as I can all day and then get in at least a half hour walk tonight. Hopefully that will cover my steps since I have no way of knowing at this point. :(