Weaves and Working out?

All of me want Weave. I love my natural hair and I've had it down and out since July but goodness gracious I get bored. I have compteplated coloring my hair Indigo. But ultimately I think I want weave. I just feel like I workout better without it....I'll be honest I don't workout when I do have it lol. So how do you workout and keep that hair looking right?


  • fedgal
    fedgal Posts: 17 Member
    Have you considered the adding twist extensions (I like the Spring Twists) to your natural hair. It will allow your scalp to breath and you can wash your hair as often as you want without a lot of hassle.
  • ddrmaster07
    ddrmaster07 Posts: 41 Member
    Yeah I do that normally or I have it pulled into a pony puff. I'm just getting bored of it...I also feel like its time for a little break.