
So far I haven't seen any of the posts for our group be about fitness. So let's start one. What are your goals and how long have you been attempting to meet them. Also, how long have you been trying?


  • fayelobeck89
    fayelobeck89 Posts: 105 Member
    I've been doing this about 6 weeks now, it took me about 2 weeks to get into using MFP though.
    I'm trying to loose weight because I want to expand my family and I have an underlying issue that effects my fertility, ultimately by loosing weight I can help to improve my overall condition and make my chances of conceiving again greater.
    I've have 2 stone to loose altogether, so far I've lost 7lb so I've completed a quarter of my goal :)
    I've been watching the calories and I am working with a dietician. I walk as much as I can becuase it free to do and when you're broke it's better than nothing! I want to do 30 day shred but I'm scared of the physical muscle pain lol, I'll get there soon enough lol

    You're guys turn....
  • hobbeskastiel
    hobbeskastiel Posts: 221 Member
    I've been screwing up my weight loss plans for years now. I need to lose 150 lbs. I lost 80 lbs at one point & slowly gained it back. My husband and I need to stop enabling each other. If one of us gains the other gains & if one loses the other loses. I enjoy going to the gym, but eating healthy is my weakness. We don't really like cooking, especially when it's 100 degrees. This summer's been hot. I enjoy working out, but I have a bad knee. It often swells & hurts when I workout. Generally I take a high dose ibuprofen everyday and that helps toa point. Next!!
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    I am doing New Rules of Lifting for Women 3 days per week.
    A programme called 'I can make you fit fast' 2 days per week.

    These should take about 30 weeks.

    My goal right now is to stick to it because I have a tendency to quit for a few weeks and end up back at square one.
  • hobbeskastiel
    hobbeskastiel Posts: 221 Member
    I was just looking at New Rules of Lifting for Women online. Is it just the book & you follow what it tells you or are there videos also? I looked online in the past to see if the rules were different while weightlifting for girls and guys, but I never found anything useful. How long have you been doing it and how do you like it?
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    I was just looking at New Rules of Lifting for Women online. Is it just the book & you follow what it tells you or are there videos also? I looked online in the past to see if the rules were different while weightlifting for girls and guys, but I never found anything useful. How long have you been doing it and how do you like it?

    I haven't seen any videos, they give you all the exercises you need to do in the book. I don't think 'lifting' per se is different but the book is marketed towards women and addresses things that some women will be wondering about.
    I've started it a couple of times. I found stage 1 quite easy but it gets more complicated. I will finish it this time!
  • fayelobeck89
    fayelobeck89 Posts: 105 Member
    What you've got to remember is it's okay to eat everything... Anything.... In moderation,

    I'll still have the occasional McDonald's, kebabs etc but it won't be once a week like it was before, it never will be again, but I'm nt going to deny myself that stuff either.

    I love **** food. Simple. And I like to eat **** food while watching **** tv. Guilty pleasures lol.
    I hate having to watch what I'm eating and counting calories but I do it because it's important and necessary for me to do if I want to achieve certain things, the way I see it is I've lost 7lb, that's more weight than I have ever consciously lost in my life so something's working :)
  • hobbeskastiel
    hobbeskastiel Posts: 221 Member
    Well, today i behaved pretty good. Stayed in my calorie goal and did a good workout. 30 minutes cardio - stationary bike and an hour of weights. How about you guys?
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Well, today i behaved pretty good. Stayed in my calorie goal and did a good workout. 30 minutes cardio - stationary bike and an hour of weights. How about you guys?

    I was hungry
  • hobbeskastiel
    hobbeskastiel Posts: 221 Member
    Well, today i behaved pretty good. Stayed in my calorie goal and did a good workout. 30 minutes cardio - stationary bike and an hour of weights. How about you guys?

    I was hungry

  • pegastarlight
    pegastarlight Posts: 26 Member
    Technically I've been trying for a few years now. Nothing was very effective for me in recent years, so I focused first one making some better lifestyle choices of what I eat. A couple months ago, I started strict calorie counting for my first time, though I wasn't keeping a calorie journal. It was really effective, and I lost five pounds before some friends of mine suggested I check out MFP. My goal when starting out was to lose 40 pounds (only 28.8 to go now), which would put me at the lowest I've weighed during the past 10 years. The last time I was that weight, I was taking Hydroxycut to get down there, and then I flatlined when I stopped despite an intense work out routine. Then I gained it all back. No diet pills or appetite suppressants this time, and I'm losing weight just as fast as I was while on those pills. I just added cardio to my routine last week, so that's exciting. I'm really looking forward to moving into my own place next month where I'll have full kitchen control. At that point I'll start to look at trying to hit my macros better and start to phase in strength training.
  • Basilin
    Basilin Posts: 360 Member
    Last year I went to a wedding and when I saw the pictures I realized how big I was getting. I weighed 118 lbs before I left for college and then after college I weighed 140. I didn't really "see it" until I saw the pictures, even though my mom and other family members were making comments..... I'm pretty small framed so even a little bit of weight is obvious. I was eating out a lot and overeating, having a nasty habit for sweet foods (demolishing an entire box of cookies is no problem for me). I haven't been very healthy most of my life even though not overweight. I have a muscle disease that makes me afraid to exercise so my heart isn't the strongest, and eating WAY TOO MUCH sugar. I mean, when I was 14 I ate an entire lb bag of skittles in one sitting and blacked out. So, been abusing my body for a while.

    Then a few months ago work got really crazy and I was working 12 hour days with hardly any food, and lost 10 lbs in a week! After work slowed down again I gained 5 lbs back, and then decided to try to eat healthy, lose that little bit of post-college weight and exercise regularly. I started using MFP a couple weeks ago when I was looking for advice on exercise. Reading though everything, I decided to start recording my food intake as well. It has been a great experience so far and recording food has helped me learn a lot about how I eat and how to control how much I eat. I've lost that 5 lbs again since then and I'm slowly trying to exercise more.

    Just gotta say, I'm sure this group is going to get really fun when the new season of MLP starts!!
  • pegastarlight
    pegastarlight Posts: 26 Member

    Just gotta say, I'm sure this group is going to get really fun when the new season of MLP starts!!

    This hiatus is brutal...
  • Basilin
    Basilin Posts: 360 Member
    Judging from the clips, it's going into high sci-fi fantasy mode this season. :bigsmile:
  • pegastarlight
    pegastarlight Posts: 26 Member
    Transformers: Robots in Disguise isn't the same series though! ... or is that Hasbro's ultimate plan?
  • hobbeskastiel
    hobbeskastiel Posts: 221 Member
    I found the ultimate workout plan!


  • hobbeskastiel
    hobbeskastiel Posts: 221 Member
    We should all follow AJ and RD's examples.


    That's weird......the original picture has both AJ and RD........ O.o
  • fayelobeck89
    fayelobeck89 Posts: 105 Member
    It sounds like everybody has had ups a downs! It nice to know I'm not the only one!
    I struggle with the weight because of my pcos... It's not fun, the worst thing for me to eat is sugary foods but something to do with my condition makes me crave it.i have an addictive personality so if something tastes good I tend to binge for a few days until I'm sick of it.
    This is the first time I've officially put myself on a 'diet'. It's been going well, I've lost and I've managed to cut out certain foods that were really adding up the calories... Butter, Mayo, biscuits, etc. this is really pleasing for me but I struggle with cutting out the chocolate, cakes and sweets. These are my downfall. What I have noticed is there's no time for me to replace the food with something else, being a busy mum I don't have mug time for myself so I guess the quick treats I sneak in when I'm out the kitchen is my way of making up for that.

    Exercise is another things I can't quite handle, walking yes! I love walking, I regularly walk a few miles but this is it. I don't own a bike so that's not something I can switch to, even though I would love to. I tried 30 day shred and that was so bad, I couldn't walk for almost 3 days, so I beat myself about that, because I feel without the exercise the 'diet' is useless.... Time I sit down and work out what works for me properly. I need to keep an emotional dairy alongside the food diary I think. Maybe this will help... Time will tell x
  • hobbeskastiel
    hobbeskastiel Posts: 221 Member
    It sounds like everybody has had ups a downs! It nice to know I'm not the only one!
    I struggle with the weight because of my pcos... It's not fun, the worst thing for me to eat is sugary foods but something to do with my condition makes me crave it.i have an addictive personality so if something tastes good I tend to binge for a few days until I'm sick of it.
    This is the first time I've officially put myself on a 'diet'. It's been going well, I've lost and I've managed to cut out certain foods that were really adding up the calories... Butter, Mayo, biscuits, etc. this is really pleasing for me but I struggle with cutting out the chocolate, cakes and sweets. These are my downfall. What I have noticed is there's no time for me to replace the food with something else, being a busy mum I don't have mug time for myself so I guess the quick treats I sneak in when I'm out the kitchen is my way of making up for that.

    Exercise is another things I can't quite handle, walking yes! I love walking, I regularly walk a few miles but this is it. I don't own a bike so that's not something I can switch to, even though I would love to. I tried 30 day shred and that was so bad, I couldn't walk for almost 3 days, so I beat myself about that, because I feel without the exercise the 'diet' is useless.... Time I sit down and work out what works for me properly. I need to keep an emotional dairy alongside the food diary I think. Maybe this will help... Time will tell x

    Do you like fruits & veggies? You could always cut up some stuff & put it in the fridge so you cab grab that as quick snacks. I like apples, bananas, cucumbers & Jicama. All these are good for cutting up ahead of time & eating over a couple of days.
  • fayelobeck89
    fayelobeck89 Posts: 105 Member
    Fruits and veggies are part of our weekly shop. I try to cut up/prepare in advance but I find I waste more that way, not sure why though.

    I love eating fresh and cooking from scratch. But I find that I have something like that every night of the week really bumps up the total of the weekly shop! Something I can't really do lol
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    What's Jicama?
  • fayelobeck89
    fayelobeck89 Posts: 105 Member
    What's Jicama?

    Good question lol :)
  • pegastarlight
    pegastarlight Posts: 26 Member
    I was supposed to be moving into my apartment this weekend, but it got pushed back a full one more month without full kitchen control. On the plus side, I went ahead with adding strength training this week.
  • fayelobeck89
    fayelobeck89 Posts: 105 Member
    I was supposed to be moving into my apartment this weekend, but it got pushed back a full one more month without full kitchen control. On the plus side, I went ahead with adding strength training this week.

    Sorry to hear that :( but no doubt this month will fly by, well done for upping yor game too :) can't fault you x