People in general Forums

I have noticed from others posting about using Adipex in the general forums, they are jumped all over and told they are stupid, they will gain it back, we should not take it, blabla, that all we need to do is start a healthy life style.

OMG, I think most of us know this. If not then we would not be tracking our food intake, ect.....
I know i can not take this pill forever. I know that when i stop taking this pill i still need to track my food and work out. As I remember a group leader in Weight watchers say when i was there last (3 Years ago Maybe) It is a life style change, not a diet. If you loose the weight and then go right back to your old ways it will be gained back.

My thoughts on using a Drug to lessen out appetite is not too much difference than having surgery. People have lap band, and Gastric bypass so they wont be as hungry and will eat less. Well for those of us who don't want to, or cant go down the road of expensive surgery, we are doing this. and while we are taking these pills and are eating less, our stomach will get smaller. When we stop taking this pill, we will then have a smaller stomach, so hopefully then we wont feel hungry as much or often.

This is my rant. and why i will not post any thing about taking this pill in general forums


  • Teresa527
    Teresa527 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm so glad I found this group for this very reason! I would never post in the general forum just because they are so negative and borderline abusive. It's insane.
    Three years ago I lost 40 lbs with MFP and exercise. In the last year I have slowly gained weight no matter what I do. Now I am 9 lbs from my highest weight again, having gained 30 lbs back. I had my thyroid checked and my doctor said it was in the "healthy" range, but just barely, and that could be attributing to what was causing my weight gain/difficulty losing now. So she offered Adipex to help. I took my first pill yesterday. So far I feel great. I don't have any negative side effects, not even the dry mouth or trouble sleeping. My appetite is pretty much gone though! So I'd say my only issue now is actually eating enough. I am down just over a pound from yesterday.

    Anyway, I guess I just wanted to say I'm so glad this message board is here. :smile: