
Come, introduce yourself! I'm Rae and I like crop tops and red lipstick. What about you? What's your favorite form of exercise? What makes you happy? Don't be shy. :)


  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Hey, I'm Kasi. Recently I've been feeling ill... like something is wrong with me. I did a little research and I think I might have a problem with either my sugar or my iron levels. This challenge sounds like it would be a good thing for me to try. I fell off track with my exercise and healthy eating and really need to get back into the swing of things.

    As for crop tops and red lipstick... Not really my thing :wink: I'm more of a mud-boots and campfire kinda girl. I spend a lot of time outdoors and love exploring different things. My weight loss journey is one i set out on simply to live the fullest/healthiest life I can. I have 4 amazing kids and I want to be there for them as long as humanly possible.
  • I'm Clarissa and a new mom. This is going to be such a touch challenge for me because lately I have been LOVING sugar! ;) I think this detox/cleanse is necessary before the holidays. Anyway, my fav forms of exercise are training (Krav Maga or Muy Thai) although I haven't trained in 3 years. Wait, I lied. Just this past week I went to train for the day in Krav Maga and almost died. My body is not what it used to be and I felt it with every movement. Especially, when punching. Kicks? Forget about it, I didn't even try. Anyways, good luck to everyone w/ this sugar cleanse!
  • marinka29
    marinka29 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I'm marina, I'm 22 I live in hawaii
    I used to drink a lot of wine daily and just decided to quit for 30 days recently so the sugar cravings are HIGH!
    I hope this helps!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Well, I caught myself a couple times today reaching for something sweet but was able to avoid temptation. The one thing I ate today with the highest sugar content was an orange which was 12 grams! I'm being brutally honest in my diary right now and I haven't done that in a very long time so i'm kinda disgusted with my recent eating habits:embarassed: . I'm definately gonna work on cleaning it up!
  • It's ok Aprilstar480 :) It's the first Monday of the challenge. I already blew mine too! lol
  • Hey, glad to see so many people! I had a discussion with the other person that I wanted to start this with and we decided 1 October to 21 October was the better idea. Remember to post/make your diary public by the end of today! You can do it!