vomiting during WOD - what is the goal here?



  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    To echo others, vomiting NEVER the goal. I do a 6am class and therefore workout fasted, I am as someone else said a known puker, I threw up the other week (although I think I was a little hungover tbf), this Monday just gone I threw up as well after the WOD. Most of the time mine is to do with sugar levels (my bottom out sometimes, long term issue), however, this time it felt like motion sickness we did a 'chipper' WOD and it was sit ups and burpees and other stuff and I think those movements alone did me in (people probably think I'm crazy saying this but I get motion sick on swings, trampolines and just looking at boats).

    My overall advice is try and figure out what you think it is and take a breather every now and then, no one is going to banish you from the CrossFit community for taking a timeout when necessary.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Did the 5:30am class today, fasted. Crushed it. Ate like a champ afterwards :)
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    You morning workout people...I don't know how you do it!

    Personally, I usually wait at least an hour after eating to work out. In most cases I hit the gym after work and it has been at least a couple hours since my afternoon snack.

    I have thrown up only twice after a workout and definitely want to avoid doing it again.
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    If i'm doing an early morning workout and early for me is like 8am..lol, I do it fasted and I just make sure to eat a good snack before bed the night before to carry me through the workout (like oatmeal or something carby). So far this has worked great! I drink some water with BCAA in it during the workout and then eat after.

    Never ever have i thrown up from a workout.