October baby mamas!!

2 days til our month!!!! How is everyone feeling??? Anyone have an early arrival?

I'm due in 20 days, and at my OB appt last week I was 2 cm and baby was locked and loaded and fully engaged to make his or her debut. I've been soooo uncomfortable the past week or so. I can't believe I have 3 more weeks left of feeling like this!

I'm so excited/nervous/anxious to meet my little girl or boy!

s/n I've been having a lot of dreams about failing at breastfeeding. Anyone else having strange dreams?


  • mrsomeara
    mrsomeara Posts: 67 Member
    The last month is the most uncomfortable! I think its our bodies way to make labor seem not so frightening. LOL!

    I haven't been checked and wont be until I go into labor. I am one of those people that just don't need the false hope. I did the same thing with my 1st ;-)

    I am not as eager to have this little guy as I was the 1st time around, mostly because I am terrified of having two just 21 months apart. Eeek! Ha! Although I cannot wait to have a sweet little baby in my arms. And I am looking forward to my bed being comfortable again.

    It does feel good to know we are on the homestretch now.

    I am due 10/28 and wondering if I'll get as lucky as I did the 1st time and I have my son on his due date? Probably not ;-) Instead I am just telling myself he'll probably arrive in November. We shall see.

    I have had the nuttiest dreams this entire pregnancy. I wake up some times feeling like a crazy person. Haha!!
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    futurestarz, we have the same "due" date, I think! I'm trying to wrap my mind around the fact that most first babies arrive closer to 41 weeks, so that I'm not discouraged if I go past 40. Easier said than done though.

    I was feeling awful about a week ago, mostly acid reflux and breathlessness, but now that baby appears to have dropped a little, I've got more room to breathe and eat. I only woke up twice last night to pee, so I consider that a success!

    Like mrsomeara, I don't want to know, so I'm not getting checked. I have started taking evening primrose oil and a supplement called 5-W as well as getting weekly chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture treatments. My husband has been doing perineal massage on me, too. All of these are supposed to help get my body ready for birth, and I figure they can't hurt, right?

    I have had TONS of breastfeeding dreams where I have failed miserably. Usually it's that I've forgotten to feed the baby or the baby doesn't like my milk.
  • JennypegMarie
    JennypegMarie Posts: 133 Member
    Hey, October Mamas :)

    I'm in stop - start labour.. Not fun.

    Although, that's a pretty wild guess with all that's been happening... I'm desperate to know If I'm dilating, but as soon as the contractions start, they say "Wait until they are 3-4 minutes apart, then come in to the birthing unit to get checked"

    So unless they are THAT regular I'm not going to know,

    On Saturday, they got to 5 minutes apart until 3am, and then nothing up to now except bad discomforty - periody cramps but no contraction spikes..

    I'm officaily due in 11 days, I've been slowly losing my plug over the past few weeks.

    I will update when little boy decides it's time!

    Good luck mamas! :flowerforyou:
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Hey ladies! It's almost time for us, eh?!

    I'm already dilated to a 3, apparently. I don't mind being checked, I know that being dilated doesn't necessarily mean that I'm about to go into labor. I was the same with my son, although he was born at 37+5 so I'm trying not to get my hopes up that this one comes before her due date versus after! Been shedding lots of mucous lately, so assuming it's my plug slowly going. Although I know it can regenerate...

    I did have one or two days where I was having contractions on and off for several hours. The one day, they got down to 4 1/2 minutes apart for almost an hour before they fizzled out. (which was good, since I'm not quite 37 weeks yet... will be on Friday!)

    mrsomeara - I'm in the same boat as you! While I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore, I'm not quite as excited this time around because my son is going to be 21 months old this week. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it! And he is NOT a laid back kind of child. lol

    Due date is the 24th. My husband is guessing I'll have her on the 17th. I'm thinking probably the 11th or 12th based on my first pregnancy... my luck, she'll be born in November! :laugh:
  • Kalyrra- I'm guessing the 11th or 12th for me too! My husband thinks this weekend, but i highly doubt that. I think he just has some wishful thinking.

    I went for my 37 week appt today, and no progress since last week :sad:
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    Our month is finally here! I can hardly believe it.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Was in L&D yesterday, had a fever and ended up getting antibiotics for a UTI. No fun! I can't wait for pregnancy to be over! Well, pregnancy, and the several weeks of healing from delivery. :laugh:

    I'm not looking forward to breastfeeding though... even though I enjoyed it some of the time with my first... I don't mind it as much when it's only a few times a day, but the constant newborn feeding will be very taxing for awhile. especially with a 21 month old running around!
  • JennypegMarie
    JennypegMarie Posts: 133 Member
    Hiya ladies,

    Another set back. I'm not in early labour... DS is laying face up and not quite flush with my cervix, I'm petrified he won't naturally move into full position and I'm going to need inducing.

    The midwife said, this is why I'v been contracting, because he his trying to hard to get into place but hasn't managed it himself yet...I have 6 days to go.

    Really feeling down, we are so hoping for a natural labour and birth.. :(

    "come on son, lets get moving"..

    Any tips ladies? My mobility is reduced due to muscle condition so cant overdo things but, I've been using a gym ball, small walks. sitting up right and on all four. any other advice would be greatly appreciated.. thank you x
  • You poor girls!

    I've been having a lot of contractions this morning. I still have 13 days til I'm due, but hoping it's a sign that baby is progressing.

    I wish my job wasn't so sedentary. I'd be taking a walk to try to get things moving if I could!!! My husband is pretty convinced that baby will come this week...but I'm afraid he can wish all he wants and baby will do what he or she wants!

    I'm sooo anxious to meet my little boy or girl. However, I'm definitely getting worried about breastfeeding. I keep having strange dreams about failing at it.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Well, Sunday morning I woke up and started having random contractions around 10 a.m. I figured they were Braxton Hicks, as they weren't following a consistent pattern. I went to church, and by the time I got home at 12:45 I knew they weren't just BH! I called my mom to come get my son so my husband and I could go to the hospital and get checked out (and hopefully be told I was in active labor).

    Mom showed up around 1:20, we arrive at the hospital at 1:45ish. At 2:32, my daughter was born. Good thing I didn't wait any longer to go in!
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    Congratulations, kalyrra! Hope you and baby girl are doing well.

    My newest symptom: my right hand falls asleep at night and I wake up in the morning with no feeling in it! Apparently at 38 weeks I've developed carpal tunnel. This pregnancy thing just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    I had carpal tunnel with both my pregnancies. Apparently it's not uncommon! It sucks, though!
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    Alright, I know futurestarz had her baby. Who else has had their little ones? Who else is still waiting? I'm 39w3d and trying to stay positive and patient.
  • mrsomeara
    mrsomeara Posts: 67 Member
    I am 39 weeks tomorrow and so ready to meet little brother!!
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Yay! Hopefully he'll arrive soon, mrsomeara!

    katey_my_lady - hang in there, you're almost done! :smile:

    Well, 2 weeks and 2 days postpartum and I'm down a total of 26 lbs from my delivery weight! I didn't expect that much to fall off that fast. It took longer with my son, if I remember correctly... but I'm now the lowest weight I've been since right after I had my first in 2013, so feeling pretty good about that. Hoping to lose an additional 25-30 lbs but all in good time.

    As uncomfortable (and sometimes downright painful) as pregnancy was, I miss it. This was our last planned child, so the knowledge that I'll (probably) never be pregnant again makes me kind of sad. But, it's time to enjoy my little ones while I can!
  • Hi ladies! How is everyone?

    Congrats Kalyrra on the baby and weight loss! Awesome! So glad you made it to the hospital in time!! Also, I know how you feel about missing pregnancy. This was our 4th and final. Taking in all the moments as I know they are our last. :'(

    My little princess was born on her due date Oct 20th. Apparently she likes to be punctual bc I was on my way to my OB appt when my contractions started! My appt was at 11:15 and I had no activity that morning until about 10:15. I got a mild contraction but nothing to worry about. By the time I was on my way to the Dr. my contractions were 3 min apart! I called the Dr and told them I needed to be seen right away. I got to Dr and was a little over 4 dilated and 80% effaced. He said " Yes we're in labor!" and took me upstairs to L&D. Got checked in and was a 5.5 within 30 min! Dr said he had to go deliver twins and would be back to check on me. I got the epidural and within 1.5 hours we had our little girl! Everything was so quick it seemed unreal! I could not believe I had a baby in a little over 3 hours from the first contraction. This is my 4th child so I know what to expect, but this was just crazy! I now believe the statement every pregnancy is different!

    I'm down 24 lbs in less than 2 weeks and only 5lbs to go to pre-pregnancy! I was floored when I went to weigh in. I was really good about my food and exercise this pregnancy so Im glad to see it paid off! I still need to lose the extra 30 lbs I was working on prior to pregnancy, but I feel great about reaching that goal with time ( and breastfeeding!) ;)