picky eaters?

f66bs Posts: 15 Member
I was wondering if there are any picky eaters that had the surgery and find it harder to eat? I will hopefully have surgery in November and very excited! The only thing I worry about is not being able to find anything to eat and just not knowing what to eat. Just wondering if anyone found it harder? Thanks!


  • I was never picky. But my taste buds have changed. And more so my cravings. My advice would be try healthy and approved options, even if you don't like them now. what is the worst that is going to happen....you still don't like them? But, like many other patients, your tastebuds couldve changed and you could stumble upon new options!
  • f66bs
    f66bs Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you clcesari that's what I'm hoping for, that my taste buds change!! No matter what I will do what I need to so I can succeed on the weight loss surgery. I just need to look up options. I think that's what it is with me, I have no clue what to make.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    Hopefully, your surgeon and nutritionist will give you more guidance as your surgery date comes closer. If not, there are really good sample meal plans online for surgery prep and post-op.

    I was never a picky eater, but now (nearly 4 months out) I focus on the protein and don't eat much of the other stuff that I prepare for my family. So, I eat pretty simply these days.

    Typically, at lunch and dinner, I eat chicken breast, fish, shrimp, pork chops, steak, etc. until I am nearly full (2-3 oz will do it) and then eat my veggies until I am completely full, so there is no room for carbs. For breakfast I do a protein shake mixed with coffee and skim milk. Snacks are mostly protein-based, with some occasional treats: I like protein bars (pure protein brand), cheese sticks, rolled up deli meat, bites of rotisserie chicken breast, etc.

    Just make sure that you are more informed going into surgery, and have a plan for eating post-op!
  • Maybe it is because I am in the beginning months....but I thought I would be able to eat a much bigger variety, just in small portions. Following the recommendations of your doctor is best. Once you get in to regular food, focus on high protein options. You would be surprised how the satisfying the simplest of lunches works. I usually just bring a little egg salad, turkey salad or tuna salad. Some days it's just some cold cuts and cheese. Start super simple. The world according to eggface was a website recommended on this forum. It has a lot of great ideas. Also, pinterest! If you try new things, cut the recipe down ALOT to see if you like it. Or give what you make to coworkers or family if you dont. You really just have to keep trying. I was so scared I would miss pasta, bread, bagels....but I DONT! My body CRAVES protein. Feel free to friend me and direct message me if you need further support or questions :)
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    As long as you like some kind of lean protein, I think you will be okay. I am two months post-sleeve and there really isn't a lot of variety in what I eat. I eat a greek yogurt for breakfast, lunch is string cheese and turkey pepperoni or two slices of deli meat, dinner is usually some kind of chicken. Sometimes I eat eggs, fish, tuna fish, etc.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Like others have said, focus on the protein! I do tend to eat a lot of the same things, but I am satisfied with that. When I get bored, I try something different, but always, ALWAYS, the focus is on the protein! I have also learned to adapt recipes that I have liked in the past to make them more "sleeve friendly". Like clcesari said, look on Pinterest - I searched low-carb recipes and found some good stuff! Also, like she said, the World According to Eggface. Pick things up in the store and read the package and see if it's something that can fit into your plan. I did that at Trader Joe's and found some sun dried tomato chicken sausages that are high protein and lower in fat than most others. There are lots of things like that out there. You just have to look, but there really are a ton of options. I am almost a year out and I still haven't added simple carbs like bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta back into my diet. I don't miss them, I don't need them, and I don't crave them. I know it all seems overwhelming now, but months from now when you get the hang of it, you won't even remember worrying about it!
  • I was and still am a very picky eater. The only meat that I eat is chicken and turkey. So I just find lots of ways to cook that (I only bake or slow cook it....no frying or breading). I also eat a lot of cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt. You can find options that work for you and that you like to eat.
  • f66bs
    f66bs Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you all so much!! I will definitely start looking at recipes!