110 pounds lost! Pics

I've now reached 110 pounds lost! That is more than my sister weighs haha I go around saying "I lost a Sammy" lmao And my mom keeps saying "Half-a-Hana" lol The feeling is incredible. I'm buying size 10 outfits, medium dresses... I'm working out and running a lot and just generally enjoying life so much more than before.

This past weekend I went up to NY for a family wedding. I hadn't seen a number of these people in a long, long time and the response was overwhelming. Some people cried, they were so happy for me and my success and my good health. I felt and looked incredible. It was just an incredible weekend. Below are a couple of before photos and the last photo is a small collage from the wedding!

November 2012

June 2013

May 2014 (4 weeks post-op)

September 12, 2014

September 27, 2014 (5 months post-op, 110 pounds lost)

HW (recorded): 301
SW (4/21/14): 271
CW (9/27/14): 191
32 years old
