So a bit of an update

loriarty Posts: 33 Member
First of all... sorry I haven't been active on here like at all! I've been distracted with quite a few things.

I actually meant to post this a MONTH ago after Dragoncon. *But what is Dragoncon?* Well asterisk voice in my head that is taking the place of my fellow board buddies. Dragoncon is a super large convention in Atlanta for people who enjoy books, comics, sci-fi, fantasy, horror, brit stuff, anime, steampunk, music, and just about every single thing in between. And people cosplay. *But what is-* Oh do not worry, I have your back. Cosplay is "costume play" where you dress up as a character from anything... or even your own character... or your own interpretation of a character, or your interpretation of a character in a different universe that you also created.

Well this year I went as a character called Party Poison, which is where my story starts. Party Poison is a character from a My Chemical Romance music video and is played by the lead singer Gerard Way. I did this cosplay about 3 years ago as well, trying to be HIS character as exact as I could. I had bought the licensed jacket... it didn't fit. And I bought this one from a cosplay store... and it was TERRIBLE. But it fit. Which is a line I've become really sick of having to use to justify bad clothes I own because I had no choice.
Well this year, I actually got into the licensed jacket I own, which looks just like his. Though it doesn't zip yet... it still fits comfortably. So I threw on a tanktop and did a female version (I explain this, because that is why the styles in the two pictures do not look the same. One is an attempted at the literal male character, and the other is my own interpretation of a female character)
Yes I do have on a corset. However, last year, that corset did not even lace. I had to use elastic and it didn't cover like ANY of my back. This year... it is actually laced to just a few inches until being totally closed (which means soon I'll be having to buy new corsets)

The difference between these pictures is three years, and around 60lbs (I was at my heaviest here). This was before I started losing weight... and WAAAY before I found mfp. (mumbles things about how my ability to cosplay has gone up as well... since I took off my purse in the new ones and got the right colour jeans and such)
But this is the progress I have really been wanting to see, and thanks to a cosplay... I really do see it.



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Wow - I just got chills! What great progress. And to top it off, it is so evident in the pursuit of something about which you are passionate - so there is no being able to deny your progress. Pictures are proof! So happy for you...and jealous all the same. While I'm not much into cosplay, I am a huge sci-fi / fantasy nerd who is way jealous of you getting to hit any CON! I've never been able to, probably wouldn't be as much fun as I'm getting to be an old nerd now...

    Love this. Thanks for making me smile today!!!

    Carly in OK
  • wennim
    wennim Posts: 276 Member
    That is awesome! It is such a big deal when you can actually see your progress for yourself...still waiting on that myself. There is a huge difference in the pictures and I think part of that is look good and you know it. I love your writing style too.
  • wennim
    wennim Posts: 276 Member
    grr my computer double posted
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Definite difference there, looking great
  • loriarty
    loriarty Posts: 33 Member
    @Knitormiss Never assume you would be too old for a con. Like trust me, there are ELDERLY people I have met who are just having a blast. Last year it was an elderly couple, the wife was in the Halloween Tin Man dress, and her husband was dressed as Dorothy, dress, ruby slippers, and a pigtail hairband. So you are never too old to have fun and nerd out at a con. Trust me. :D

    @wennim Thanks. I couldn't have red hair anymore, but I had that red wig. And I definitely think that the confidence had ALOT to do with it. Even with my broke foot (yeah I was out like all August due to a fractured foot), I still felt awesome this year.
    And before you know it, you will be seeing changes, and even just the smallest ones just are like a second wind and get you pumped to see more and more changes.

    Thank you both though. Like I've noticed small changes in like shirts, and a bit in jeans... but I guess I just wore them too tight, because they are still kind of fitting now... but I can squeeze into smaller sizes... so there's that. :D lol. But after seeing these pictures, I was just like... wow... I have lost quite a bit of weight... and it can be seen.
  • loriarty
    loriarty Posts: 33 Member
    @maoribadger Thank you so much! :D
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Your rocking it Lori! You have a lot more confidence then me, I would be a mess doing something like that and thats not taking into account my general loner personality and any excuse for anxiety.