DIY Antler Mount

Has anyone ever done their own antler mount? I am having a hell of a time getting the last of the skin off the skull and want to know of any tricks.

I really don't want to boil the skull plate because it will soften the bone but a lot of the stuff I am reading on the internet recommends to boil it...


  • CarrieBeard
    CarrieBeard Posts: 117 Member
    It is gross what we've done on LOTs of skulls.... after taking all the photos and measurements.. etc...... I place entire head in a garbage bag... then stuff that in feed bags for LAYERS of scent ... "control". then place head/bag in high place to protect from coyotes and stray dogs. After some time... after hunting season... a couple of months... when no foul smells are coming from bag, I remove bags and if any thing is left on skull - usually a gentle shake is all it takes to remove. I wash skull really well and allow to air out before bringing inside.

    I have a buddy that placed his on an ant nest/hill and covered with drum. (He put heavy weight on top of drum to keep critters out).
    He claims the ants cleaned the bones for him, I haven't seen the finished product.

    Good luck.
  • hunter1025
    hunter1025 Posts: 281 Member
    I'm a taxidermist. if you take as much meat of as you can and let the rest get hard you can take a tungsten carbide dremel bit and grind the rest off.
  • BowHunter1967
    BowHunter1967 Posts: 56 Member
    I have a buddy that does my skull mounts. He removes the skin and major muscle components, then simmers it, then goes to work on it with a pressure washer and gets the skull squeaky clean.