Would you change things if you could?


I am scheduled to have the sleeve surgery on Aug 26th, 2014. I am getting extremely apprehensive as I hear stories of 'food backing up' etc.

Please, tell me why I should go with this?


  • garayjoh
    garayjoh Posts: 24 Member
    Trust me, It will change your life for the better! You make changes, you develop an understanding of how to get things done. I love the fact that I had this surgery. I do not regret it at all.
  • Jaye1120
    Jaye1120 Posts: 26
    Thanks for the encouragement. I guess its the "pre-surgery jitters" and all the scary "are you suuuuuuure you want to do this"? "Are you suuuuuuure you can't lose weight another way?" and the "I've heard that so & so couldn't swallow ..."
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Food only backs up as you put it if you eat more than your stomach can hold. It's an easy side effect to avoid. I have learned that when I feel like I need to burp, that's my full cue. I stop eating right then, even if I do burp, I'm still done. Anything after that feeling will be "food backing up" and that extra food will come back up.

    I had my sleeve done 3 years ago and I won't take the time here to list all the positive ways this has impacted my life. But I will sincerely tell you this is the absolute best thing I have ever done for myself and my only regret is not having done this sooner.
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    I have one major regret.....

    Not doing this years ago! This has changed my life for the better in EVERY SINGLE WAY!!!!

    I have NEVER been so happy in my life. That being said....It does not happen on its own and it does not happen overnight. YOU HAVE TO PUT IN THE WORK!

    DO IT!!!!:bigsmile:
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    I hardly told anyone about my decision before I had surgery because I didn't want to hear from the naysayers! The people whose cousin's husband's sister's neighbor had surgery and gained it all back or some other horrible outcome. I have never regretted my decision for a second. If you think the sleeve is right for you, go for it and don't listen to the gloom and doom crowd!
  • Sociologist2013
    Sociologist2013 Posts: 22 Member
    The sleeve is an amazing tool! Yes, it takes work and time to find your sleeve groove after surgery. For the first few weeks you will continue to question yourself if you did the right thing. This is normal as well. About six weeks out everything clicked for me, the protein intake, water were where my dr wanted them to be. I am nine months out, down 74 pounds and in a one month stall. I look great and feel wonderful. You are the only one that can decide what is best for you. It is very normal to question yourself......this is major, life changing surgery........and sooooo worth it:-)
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    The first three weeks sucked! Not gonna lie! I had MAJOR regrets! Wondering WHAT in the world I had done to myself! It wasn't fun, I was an emotional nightmare!
    Now i'm 7.5 weeks out, i'm LOVING my sleeve! I actually forget I had surgery (I feel so good) until I go to eat LOL Then i'm quickly reminded that I can only eat 4oz at a sitting.

    It definitely takes some getting used to, you have to relearn how to eat, and listen to your body for your cues.

    I have ZERO regrets now, and i'm super excited to see what my future holds for me in regards to my weightloss and health.

    Good luck to you!
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Would I change things if you could? NOT. FOR. A. HOT. MINUTE! The first week wasn't the best I've ever felt, but as surgeries go, definitely not the worst experience either. You do have to re-learn how to eat to live rather than life to eat. For me, the only time I have a problem, (as far as "backups") is when I over-eat or eat too fast, (which leads to a too full pouch). In the beginning, while I was learning, that happened maybe once every three weeks. Today at 10 months out, it's rare. I'm off all 10 prescriptions and have normal blood work and blood pressure now. I've been at goal about a month now and enjoy being active, rocking the size 4 skinny jeans, confidence I've NEVER had before and an actual social life!
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    My only regret is I waited till I was 47 to have my sleeve surgery! I don't regret having my WLS sleeve at all. Best thing I have ever done. I had it on 6/11/12 and lost 47 pounds pre op from 2/2012 till surgery day and then lost the rest of my weight by April 2013. I have been in maintenance since then. I got as low as 124 pounds but have gained some weight back after adding back calories to stop loosing. Lately I have put on some pounds due to not working out. I moved the end of May of this year and now that I live not close to my gym I find it very hard to get there. My gym membership runs out 9/5/14 and I won't be renewing. There is a gym closer to me on my drive home that I think I am going to join to get me going again. I was going 3-4 times a week for 1-2 hour workouts. The closer to me gym isn't as big, doesn't have a pool or classes but also is only $30 a month and doesn't have any contracts so if after a month I don't like it I am quit it. I know the reason I gained some weight back is due to not doing those workouts and my food choices. I am trying to "buckel back down" cause I have heard and seen people that have gained all their weight back before and I don't wanna be one of those. Surgery is on the stomach not the head so remember that too!
    Good luck!
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Well....I regret getting pregnant. Please don't get me wrong, I love my new bundle of joy to pieces but I fear never getting to my goal weight again or even close. I fear being back in the same depressed state I was before surgery.v
  • shonrecio
    shonrecio Posts: 89 Member
    I do not regret my sleeve at all. I was always heavy and my heaviest was 369lbs. I was never really able to lose weight on my own. I tried ever fad that came around,, the ear stapling, medical weight loss centers that pump you full of appetite suppressants, hydroxy cut, metabolite, you name it I tried it. I may lose 20-30lbs but could not keep them off. I am a year out, am not at goal but have maintained 95lb lost 354 to 259. I am happy I did this. I am able to do more than I have been able to do in a while. I walk, run a little, play kick ball with my Sunday school kids, lift weights, just dance with the kids without resting between songs and am a lot more flexible than I use to be for other activities.(:blushing: hubby likes). Health wise, my reflux is under control, my back doesn't hurt all day everyday, I do not get as winded just walking from my desk to the printer, no pain in the knees like I use to have, I love looking at myself in the mirror now, I wear clothes that are more my taste now than I did when I was heavier, even show a little leg now and then. I haven't worn shorts for years until now and I have a little black dress that shows a little leg that I can't weight to wear on date night now that I have a little more confidence. So no I would not change anything and yes I would do it all over again. Good luck to you
  • stratusphr
    stratusphr Posts: 87 Member

    I am scheduled to have the sleeve surgery on Aug 26th, 2014. I am getting extremely apprehensive as I hear stories of 'food backing up' etc.

    Please, tell me why I should go with this?

    By now, you should be on the loser's bench. Would I do it again, YES, unequivocally, in a heartbeat, in a New York minute!!!! I love my sleeve, I never had buyer's remorse. I had surgery almost 4.5 years ago, reached goal in just under six months and have been successfully maintaining since then. It is life altering, you will not believe what your life is like a year from now!!!! Congratulations and good luck!
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    The only time I ever have a problem is if I eat too fast\too much which is rarely these days. Learning where they boundaries are is part of the process and to be expected. From about the 4 month mark I could eat whatever I liked as long as I was careful about the quantity. This has been the absolute BEST gift I could have EVER given myself! Freedom from food obsession and good health is an AMAZING gift!
  • JillC878
    JillC878 Posts: 9 Member
    I will start by saying that there was a short window of time that I would have given anything to take it back, but now I would do it all over again. I learned that you cannot prepare yourself for what it will be like. I know that I am in the minority, but other than getting an infection is one of the incisions, I have not had many of the issues you read about. I know I am very lucky. I hope you are too.