Day 18: Friday, 10-10-14

lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
edited October 2014 in Social Groups
Hello everyone!

First, I have to apologize for not posting the Day 17 thread - thank you so much to Maalea for taking the initiative! This group couldn't exist without everyone's participation and help. If you haven't already checked in on the Day 17 thread, how was your day?

Day 18 is Friday - what are your plans, goals, and strategies? Do you have any special weekend plans?


  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    Day 17 was a miss. Went 1500 calories above.

    Day 18 goal is to keep my calories under the limit.
  • Book_lover92
    Book_lover92 Posts: 32 Member
    Aiming to work out for at least an hour, and stick to my calories limit. Visiting family and eating out at the weekend, so hoping the restaurant have a nice salad option :-)
  • Sairzie
    Sairzie Posts: 122 Member
    I've been sick all week so not able to do much diet or exercise wise. Although I could barely eat anything so it may not be a total failure! Today is the first day I am starting to feel human again but still have to take it fairly easy.

    Goals for today

    Drink plenty of water
    Stick to calories
    Rest and recover
  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    7 years ago today my big brother died so all my workouts and music is dedicated to him. i am really going to do a special job too!
  • Today is Friday - and my daughter comes home from college on fall break. She's going to go walking with me this afternoon. She should be used to the walking as that's how she gets around campus! I have now gone down another notch on my belt so that's a bonus. My intent is to do another walk tonight and my Strongtober challenge. Bring on the burpees! Not really having a problem with the calorie intake. I think I've mastered the art of watching my food intake and it's all clean eating so I'm doing great. Happy Friday everyone!
  • mora982
    mora982 Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning everybody!
    It is Friday _ I hope you are well prepared for a healthy weekend.
    Day 18 and 2 days to go till the second weigh in and I'm hoping to see a good result.
    My goals are the same as yesterday
    -Staying below 25g net carb.
    -Drinking more water.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member

    goals for today:
    1. stay within my calorie goal
    2. 10,000 steps
    3. 2 mile run & strength training
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,678 Member
    My goal for this Friday and the entire weekend is moderation!
    Today there is a confernce at work, in the afternoon my sister is arriving for a weekend visit, and all this menas I will be eating out most of the weekend. The worst will be the conference dinner, because it is a buffet.
    So, although I will not be able to log accurately, and surely will exceed my calorie limit, I will try to not eat sample everything from the buffet, keep to the healthier choices, and generally not stuff myself ;-)
    The next weigh-in should help with the motivation...
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,424 Member
    Day 18 - stay within my calorie goal (or close to it)

    Then I'm heading off on vacation for a week so I won't be posting until the 20th. I did get my weight updated on the spreadsheet!
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Day 18, going away for the Thanksgiving long weekend, so the nutrition portion will be a struggle as it will be all restaurant food. Exercise should not be an issue as we are going to the mountains with plenty of walking and hiking. Today I did my Jillian Michaels dvd and went for a 5k walk before work.
    Todays remaining goals:
    continue logging
    get 10k steps
    water intake
    swim in pool at hotel
    stay close to calorie range
  • dawnmitchell6766
    dawnmitchell6766 Posts: 370 Member
    Day 18 Goals:
    • 10,000 steps
    • 64 oz water
    • Day 9, Level 2 - 30 Day Shred
    • Stay within calorie goals
    Happy Friday everyone!
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone.
    I failed yesterday on my goal of not going over on calories, but today isn't as bad. I have a weekend of work ahead of me so I'm hopping to stay busy. I know I'm not going to get workout time in but I figured that I can make it up by keeping on moving all day. Getting nervous about weigh-in in a couple days.
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    Happy Friday Everybody!
    My goals were great yesterday, although I did have a couple beers with dinner...Still within my calories.....
    My goal for today is to not only get my workout in and stay under on my cal intake, but to walk 1.5 miles up hill to the mail box and then back for a total of 3 miles. Hopefully I can do this before dark (no street lights on a very busy one lane road).
  • mizzbugsy
    mizzbugsy Posts: 40 Member
    My goal today...clean clean clean!!! Get organized-so far so good!
    Water...why is so hard to maintain water intake?
    Focus T25 and calisthenics
    Find more fun whole30 recipes to feed my family!
    Good luck all!! Happy Friday!
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    I'm with mizzbugsy on cleaning today. I am also planning on finishing the mission in Zombies, Run! I am off on eating and already pretty much broke. I may even end up having to get assistance with food later in the month due to poor planning at the beginning of the month.
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    edited October 2014
    cookeylady wrote: »
    7 years ago today my big brother died so all my workouts and music is dedicated to him. i am really going to do a special job too!

    I'm sorry to hear that - good on you for continuing to make progress on your goals while remembering him!
    Etherlily1 wrote: »
    I am off on eating and already pretty much broke. I may even end up having to get assistance with food later in the month due to poor planning at the beginning of the month.
    You might be interested in checking out
    I've found it really helpful when money was tight to make the most of the affordable ingredients and not lose sight of my goals. It's also worth checking with your local churches and charity organizations for temporary assistance. Getting government assistance can be a long process, and food pantries exist to help in times of need. I hope things improve for you!

    Today my goals include (1) going to the library during my break to check in, which is exactly what I'm doing now.
    In addition I'm looking to (2) stay under calories and (3) do some form of active recovery. I had a long day outside for our staff development day yesterday, plus used the stairmaster, rode the bike, and walked at the gym. I'm super sore, so I'm thinking of I'll do a yoga session at home with some foam rolling. Maybe I can convince my husband to do some massage too. My last goals are to (4) keep my sodium/water intake balanced and (5) make a homemade dinner with plenty of calcium.

    Tomorrow I'm doing a platelet and plasma donation, so I can't take any aspirin products and need to keep my calcium intake up to prevent cramping/discomfort when the saline solution to help with clotting is returned to me minus my platelets. I'm definitely motivated to keep doing things right when it will influence my donations!
  • phelan999
    phelan999 Posts: 37 Member
    Yesterday I did not do the planned C25K, but I did 30 pushups, 30 crunches, and 30 bridge lifts while watching tv, so that's something.

    Goals for today:
    - log everything
    - C25K, even if hubby and son don't want to do it
    - plan for a healthy Saturday so I can post a loss on Sunday
  • knmurray02
    knmurray02 Posts: 32 Member
    Went down in a ball of ice cream flames yesterday but I am determined to not let that stop me from meeting my goals today.
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Just over 100 cal yesterday, made ok choices going out for supper.

    Got in my lifts yesterday
    Squats 5x5 @ 165 lbs
    OHP 5/5/5/4/7 @ 80 lbs - First attempt at 80lbs, failed my 5th rep of the 4th, waited 5 min and killed the 5th set.
    DL 1x5 @ 185s

    Finished up with some core work.

    On the docket today - stay under 1800 cal, get in 40 min cardio and get my hot yoga on.
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Ooh weekend plans, get two horseback rides in, weights Saturday, also have a meeting with a dietician Saturday. Monday is thanksgiving dinner, but football conditioning in the evening :)
  • kikontx
    kikontx Posts: 92 Member
    I was able to hit all my goals yesterday. Particularly happy about jogging the entire 2 miles again (two times in a row now).

    Goals for Day 18

    - Drink 80-90 oz of water
    - Stay under calorie goal
    - Strength training

    The weekend will be a challenge to stay within goals (typically is for me). But I will put it in a strong effort to keep it going.

    Two more days until the next weigh in. We got this!
  • stephbroadbelt
    stephbroadbelt Posts: 9 Member
    Day 17:
    Logged, stayed under calories. Finally started C25K! Such a nice day for running after work. Just bought a FitBit, so I'm excited for that to come in so I can work on increasing my steps throughout the day at my boring desk job.

    Day 18:
    Going to a retirement party for a coworker of my boyfriend's tonight, so no time for exercising, and it's gonna be hard to log everything I eat or drink. But! I was pretty good at work today, so I shouldn't go over too badly.

    Doing Week 1 Day 2 tomorrow, and planning some meals ahead to stay good this weekend after the atrocity of my calorie count last Sunday ;)

    Hoping to stay even from last weigh in - I'm sure I've been up and down all week.
  • I have been a bad girl this week, I have lied on my dairies, in reality I have been eating pizza chips and chocolate today is my first day in a while where I am being honest.. I may not make my goal weight but I actually feel I will do it :smile:
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    Got a flu shot today. Will be going above my calories by 300. Day 19, be nice to me.
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Such a difference to post in the evening instead of the morning.
    I got my exercersise done, squats, bench and rows... All went great food wise as well.
    My ego got a little hurt because I got my body analysis done today and I'm at 38% body fat, it's not that bad, but was hoping for a 35% :(
    Hope to feel better after the weigh in tomorrow. Our second milestone coincides with my monthly picture progress day so fingers crossed!
    Let's all have a great weekend and blast our group weight loss to over 500lb!!!!!!