Were do you flirt?

As a married fellow with a family it is sometimes hard to find the best place to flirt. You really can't with the SO tagging along and ankle biters in tow are ok for a casual "elevator eye", but not much more. This pretty much leaves me with flirting at either the grocery store or the gym.
The gym is a lot more enjoyable in my opinion because you can take the time to kind of "lead on" I've become pretty accustomed to giving little eye glances in the mirror during curls, or positioning in a way with skull crushers, etc. I've been pretty timid to do anything beyond that like in the locker room. What are your tips and tricks?


  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    The pool, hot tub, or sauna are pretty good places at my gym. Sure, you get the occasional old european dude with nuts swaying far lower than normal, but there' s also the eye candy. Get thee to a sauna!
  • Original_Sinner
    Original_Sinner Posts: 180 Member
    check out the squat rack.

    eye some FINE eye candy's form especially when they go deep in the squat.

    (and here's the trick)

    if you can see their panties or lack thereof through their yoga pants, then they are flirting with you. do NOT assume the pants are worn thin from almost daily washings of precious gym wear. no no no...these ladies do the squat check....if they don't want you noticing they make sure you can't see through them.

    but if you can. They totally want the D.

    They are asking....no pleading for the D.

    So do the squat check, see through? worn thin? they want you.

    can't see through? not interested.
  • midvalesfinest
    check out the squat rack.

    eye some FINE eye candy's form especially when they go deep in the squat.

    (and here's the trick)

    if you can see their panties or lack thereof through their yoga pants, then they are flirting with you. do NOT assume the pants are worn thin from almost daily washings of precious gym wear. no no no...these ladies do the squat check....if they don't want you noticing they make sure you can't see through them.

    but if you can. They totally want the D.

    They are asking....no pleading for the D.

    So do the squat check, see through? worn thin? they want you.

    can't see through? not interested.

    Wise words :)
  • midvalesfinest
    As a taller, heavier guy i feel like when i make eye contact or make small talk i may be saying "hey you are fun/attractive/sexy/interesting" and what they are hearing is "Hi I'm a perve do you mind me taking mental snapshots of you to jack-off to in the shower?"

    Maybe thats just my insecurity talking :)
  • Keeta83
    Keeta83 Posts: 427 Member
    As a taller, heavier guy i feel like when i make eye contact or make small talk i may be saying "hey you are fun/attractive/sexy/interesting" and what they are hearing is "Hi I'm a perve do you mind me taking mental snapshots of you to jack-off to in the shower?"

    Maybe thats just my insecurity talking :)

    Too funny!!! I can't speak for all women but just being noticed is kinda nice in most cases. Unless you start drooling or something you'll probably be fine! :tongue:
  • midvalesfinest
    As a taller, heavier guy i feel like when i make eye contact or make small talk i may be saying "hey you are fun/attractive/sexy/interesting" and what they are hearing is "Hi I'm a perve do you mind me taking mental snapshots of you to jack-off to in the shower?"

    Maybe thats just my insecurity talking :)

    Too funny!!! I can't speak for all women but just being noticed is kinda nice in most cases. Unless you start drooling or something you'll probably be fine! :tongue:

    Joking aside i have found that if i'm confident, share a specific compliment or a strong smile and then leave it at that, clearly communicating that there are not strings attached then rarely is there any negative fallout.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    grocery store, I seem to get picked up at the liquor store even when I am with my husband.
  • midvalesfinest
    grocery store, I seem to get picked up at the liquor store even when I am with my husband.

    I have found the grocery story a surprize source of glances, smiles and small talk ;)
  • glynneybug93
    glynneybug93 Posts: 17 Member
    I get hit on here more than anywhere else- maybe I'm less scary in internet land? But tomorrow is the Ren Faire and I'm planning on having SEVERAL ladies pet my fuzzy bra. Wish me luck!