Day 19: Saturday, 10-11-14

lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
edited October 2014 in Social Groups
Hello again,

I hope everyone enjoyed their Friday. Day 19 is the start of a 3-day weekend for a lot of us, and we're only one day away from the next milestone weigh-in. If you haven't already responded, we have an event up for the weigh-in. One of the best ways to stay accountable is to make a shared commitment!

If you haven't already shared, how was Day 18 for you? What's on your plate for Day 19, and how are you plan to reach your goals?


  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    For Day 19 I intend to keep my calories within limit and walk at least 120 minutes. I missed my calories limit goal on Day 18.
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    I'm gonna post earlier than usual because I have a busy morning tomorrow and won't be able to get on until late afternoon. Since tomorrow poses some challenges, I'd like to plan ahead.

    So far for Day 17 I'm on track to meet my goals, just need to drink some more water. Also need to get in some stretching of some sort, because I know it will help tomorrow. I'll be laying in a chair unable to move my arms for two hours tomorrow, and my elbows get really stiff.

    I'll have to eat earlier than usual tomorrow, so I'll probably do some greek yogurt with toast. I prefer to eat later, but I feel better after donating if I've had a decent meal before. I also need to remember to pack a snack to bring with me because I'd rather not be eating cookies and chips. Activity-wise I'm going to take it easy...maybe could do the yoga I borrowed DVDs for, or take a walk around the mall, as I'm still pretty sore. Yesterday really kicked my *kitten* as far as fatigue goes. I'd like to continue with my good trend of cooking at home. Just checked with my husband and he's down for chicken sandwiches with our farm-fresh corn on the cob and roasted sweet potatoes. Having something to look forward to definitely helps with keeping my sights on the goal. As usual, generally sticking to calories/sodium/water intake would be ideal. Good luck everyone, I hope you have a great start to the weekend!

  • mora982
    mora982 Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning everyone!!
    Day 18 was a success and I'm looking forward to see the results on the scale tomorrow.

    Goals for day 19:
    -First thing I want to start adding some exercise as I haven't been active for the last 10 days. Maybe spinning or just walking! I'm taking it step by step.
    -Second is to stay within calorie limits and less than 25g carb.
    -Lastly drinking more water and less coffee.

    Have a great weekend :)
  • Hey everyone. Today will be another treadmill jog for the day. We have rain in the forecast all day so I'll do another run. Shouldn't be a problem for food today since I know what I need to eat. I'll be up and around all day so I'm constantly moving. Enjoy your weekend!!!
  • Today was supposed to be soccer practice before we take the team upstate for the games. Looks like that's a wash out.
    So I'm regrouping and figuring out another plan of action.

    Lunch with my Grammie today, so i need to choose wisely.

    My new fitbit is awesome it will be a big help in keeping track of all my steps and calorie burn!!!!

    Day ,20 I'm ready for you!
  • laf0026
    laf0026 Posts: 32 Member
    I ate a lot of salty foods yesterday, so today I need to drink lots of water and watch my sodium while staying within my calories.
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Yesterday was such a happy day, ended up going out fot family date night and kinda went over my calories ... So like everyone said already, today I must flush my system with lots of water and be ready for tomorrow. My daughter might feel like hiking today so a 6 mile is on the horizon :)
    Exited about tomorrow's milestone and can't wait to see what the group total ends up being.
    Have a great weekend everyone!!!
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Yesterday, got in my Couch 2 5k and some of my highest treadmill speeds yet (redoing it to up my pace). Finished off with some core, then did 75 minutes of hot yoga and almost DIED. Glad I did it though.

    Today going to see a dietitian. Not expecting too much, but can't hurt. Then get in my Stronglifts (Squats, Bench, Row) and a ride.
  • Singularity84
    Singularity84 Posts: 98 Member
    I was way over on my calories yesterday, but today is a new day! I am dog-sitting for a friend who lives in the country today, so I'm planning to go jogging while I'm there (I'm not quite to the point where I feel comfortable jogging outdoors where people can actually see me.) This is also my cooking weekend, so I'm planning to make 5 healthy meals to freeze and have as dinners for the month.
  • dawnmitchell6766
    dawnmitchell6766 Posts: 370 Member
    Day 18 was a bust! Came home and was falling asleep on the couch, never did my work out, only made around 4200 steps and not enough water.

    I'll try to make yesterdays goals today.
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    Day 18 was a total success! Stayed under my calories, was a little more active than I anticipated. We had Carnitas for dinner and everyone was happy and full. I got plenty of rest and am ready to tackle day 19 with a new vigor.
    Today's goals are to get my work out in, avoid those Oreo cookies I just bought for my kiddos, and decorate the crap out of my house in all that is spooky! We are getting in the spirit over here... oh yeah and stay within my calorie budget. Today is going to be a fun and great day!
  • justdebbie1
    justdebbie1 Posts: 214 Member
    Day 18 was good. Just made my 10,000 steps and I got all my water in. Was under my calorie goal.
    Day 19 try and get in at least 45 active min. get all my water in and 10,000 steps and stay under my calories.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,800 Member
    Hit the gym with my DD this morning for 45 grueling minutes. She's a slave driver for sure! I loved it! We'll be walking with Bean a little later. I'll have my steps after that.

  • everydamnday
    everydamnday Posts: 42 Member
    Goal for today is to get a weight training session in, maybe a little yoga too.

    It's busy, busy gorgeous weekend here in Cincy for me a BBQ fest & Bengals game tomorrow lots of good food for me to eat! Gotta amp up the workouts!

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!


  • kikontx
    kikontx Posts: 92 Member
    Didn't reach water and exercise goal yesterday, but was able to stay under calorie goal.

    Goals for Day 19

    - Drink 80-90 oz of water
    - Stay under calorie goal
    - Strength training (since didn't do it yesterday) and light cardio (walking about 3.5 miles)

    Looking forward to the second milestone weigh-in tomorrow.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    My commitment is to stay focused and keep drinking my water, still haven't made it to 64oz, but i will. Actual looking
    forward to day 20 weigh in.
  • 2CABetterMe
    2CABetterMe Posts: 119 Member
    Attended my Great Aunt's funeral today. So not looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in.
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    I was close to my day 19 goal. Ready for 2nd milestone on Day 20.
  • nicolejo143
    nicolejo143 Posts: 214 Member
    I was feeling pretty upset earlier that I haven't lost any weight since I started this thing. Yesterday, I weighed myself and I actually seemed to have gained half a pound! I've been logging everyday and I should have lost some weight according to my tracking but I haven't lost anything. So, thats why today I got a good heart rate monitor and a food scale to track more accurately. I had to burn some cash on them, but hopefully it will be worth it in the end and make a huge difference.
  • jpreynolds89
    jpreynolds89 Posts: 3 Member
    I've just joined this group (a little late!) but been slowly losing for the last month.
    Had a bit of a rough week having had my wisdom teeth out on Monday and struggling to exercise and eat the way I should be but managed to do a 4 mile run yesterday which felt really good! Back on track I hope!